We could destroy China so easily. Everyone says it will tank our economy but theres 50 other places we can manufacture if we want cheap goods. They own so much of our property, debt, and companies it’s completely fucking retarded. Cut them off 100%. They need us way more. Move manufacturing to Mexico so all the beaners stop coming in droves.
china, israel and turkey should be wiped off the map.
All we would have to do is slowly raise tarrifs, e.g. .5%/wk increase.
The tariffs were on first sale price and eventually china wouldn't be able to subsidize the economic Dumping and wholesalers would have to source the manufacturing elsewhere.
Works for me. Gives everyone time to move their production elsewhere. I would love to see more made here but I know how much it costs to do that.
Sites like https://chinanever.com/or https://www.stillmadeinusa.com/have a decent selection of goods made here.
The prices for clothes are nearly the same as the sweatshop made stuff.
Sounds great, I'm on board with this. When is the Orange Man in Chief going to do that?
Oh, right, he swore that he would never concede and then just shuffled off to Florida.
When 0bama deliberately hiked fuel prices, and China cashed in on its manufacturing monopoly, shipping goods from China to 'Murica was so expensive that companies were investing instead in automated factories in the USA.
Not too long after that, fuel prices started to come down. It was almost too bad, as the globalist 0hole being personally responsible for restoring American manufacturing would have been peak irony.
Although, I'm not sure we could move any more manufacturing to Mexico as the faggot globalist Newt Gingrich said, during his 2012 GOP Primary campaign, that NAFTA was a success because all jobs that were done by Mexicans-in-Mexico were jobs that had been stopped from going to China.
(post is archived)