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[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

He's wrong anyway, blacks do function as a collective. They monolithically vote directly against white interests any chance they get. Sure niggers kill each other every day, but even the most hardcore gangster niggers will stop shooting at each other if their common enemy, whitey, is there to shoot instead.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Yeah, they’re far more unified than we are, and their collective has the full force of the Media/University Complex to back it up. Meanwhile, we get Waco’ed for daring suggest our race ought to continue existing.

It’d be silly to suggest we ought to ask someone permission for this, but that’s like this huge unspoken assumption hanging over our heads like a fog.

Who would we ask, Israel ?

Excuse me, Mr. Netanyahu sir; may my race continue to exist, please ?