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[–] 19 pts 4y

I got out of the military in 1986. I took a civil service test for the city of Clearwater Fl. They allowed 4 hours for the test which was 90% math. There were about 50 people in the room. I finished in an hour and a half. I thought I may have missed part so went back and checked ALL my answers. Now 2 hours have gone by. I turned in my test and left. I was the first person finished. About a week later I get my score in the mail. With 5 veterans points my score was 103! out of a possible 105. I wait to be called for an interview and after a couple weeks call them. The guy on the phone was rude as hell and told me "dont call us, we'll call you!". Hmmm?

EDIT: Honorable discharge of course.

[–] 21 pts 4y

Reminds me of my electrician entrance exam in California. Literally 1 ofn2 white dudes in a room of 50+ spics. Finished first high score. Never got a call.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Oh shit. I hadn't thought about this in years. I took a GED course at the age of 16 to graduate. Didn't want to just drop out, right?

I got THE highest score in the entire city. I know because at the graduation ceremony, the guy on stage mentions the highest score. It was my exact score. 676/800 (I sucked at social studies). I thought they were going to bring me on stage after announcing it, but then they immediately brought up a middle aged black lady instead... to commend her on trying (and failing) to pass the test three times. "Hang in there, Shaniqua! Everybody give her a hand!"

It was kind of a kick in the balls for my welcome into adulthood! lol

[–] 5 pts 4y

Also took GED at 16. After being failed twice in two years in HS. 93rd precentile. Yea I wasnt an idiot. I just hated public school.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I was in the top of my LPN class and they gave honor graduate to a chick that had a lower grade point than me that cried after every test. The state certification left me in shock and awe. She must have lost it.

[–] 0 pt 4y

I dropped out of school a week before my 16th birthday. I took 2 years off from school, worked at a grocery store etc, and moved to a different state. I took the GED and scored better than 70-80% of high school grads, and I was fucking awful at math. I didn't even have classes at school for some of the math on the test, so I'd just guess.

I didn't know whether to feel proud and smug at scoring higher than most grads, or feel sad and a bit scared that most of them scored so low.

[–] 7 pts 4y

mex cant read or do math. You probably scored 30 points higher than them.

[–] 5 pts 4y

Let me guess and that despite that those tests came in Spanish too.

Fuck soon the only version will be Spanish, and you will be forbidden to learn the language because muh appropriation and still get more points than them.

They are not sending their best.

[–] 4 pts 4y

They don't pick the highest because you are "over qualified". Which officially means they think you will move on after a short while because you have more options open to your employment. We all know that is not really why.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Employers also don't want an employee that can show them up, they also assume you will no be relatable to future colleagues in their employ.

These days you are better off leaving your country, renouncing citizenship, and coming back in an illegal, self-identifying as a nigger faggot.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Every journeyman license I've taken will only tell you your score if you fail. Can't have any electrical contractors hiring based on merit. It works out well for me though, I have test anxiety and choke when I'm trying to card up in a new state. I'm stupid good at electrical work, I'm about to get a promotion from foreman of almost 30 guys to project manager but I've failed some journeyman tests and had to take the masters 4 times.

I miss using my tools, I got stuffed in an office with an iPad and computer, this shit is annoying.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Can't have any electrical contractors hiring based on merit

Gods I hate unions.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Just be careful you don't end up being promoted into a position you suck at and can't get back down to where you were last useful.

[–] 2 pts 4y

managing people is a bitch. I used to hire a new helper every week. Fucking guys cant show up every day and when they do they think its a right to get high before work. On two different occasions some asshole wanted to fight me because I wouldnt let them get high in my van! Another guy got pissed because I drove right by his dealers house on the way home and wouldnt stop. I told him to score drugs in his car on his time.

[–] 1 pt 4y

Do you have to get selected in order to become an electrician? Is it not possible for anyone who wants to become one?

[–] 0 pt 4y

Only a certain amount of spots for apprentices. I didnt get in. So I ended up going to college.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Some states you havento be licensed. Some states you have to be hired by a union.

[–] 1 pt 4y

once adjusted with affirmative action you in fact got the lowest score, you white supremacist

[–] 2 pts 4y

I took a programming test - same thing. Me (white male), 1 nigger, 1 negress, and a blue hair white whale. I tear through the test - basic programming stuff (it was like an entry or just-above position). I'm done as fast as I can write the answers - it's that basic. Like you, I glance around, no one else is even close. So I turn in and leave.

They close the position saying they couldn't find a suitable candidate. Fuck that shit; I'm glad I was eventually hired on my skill set, but it wasn't a month later a diversity hire popped up in a position similar to mine. Guess whose slack I'm always picking up?

[–] 2 pts 4y

I was on the first US ship to have women assigned to it. I was a navigator. Guess what job the powers that be decided that women could do? They couldnt do shit. I carried that entire division for 2 years. It was a standing joke. Every time I sat down for chow Id get called to the bridge to solve a problem. Everyone (all guys) on the mess deck would laugh.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

The reason why society has yet to collapse is all those white men willing carrying their replacements

[–] 2 pts 4y

I was on an aircraft carrier with women. Most of them were absolutely useless unless they were in admin or medical. Loved the female corpsmen though. Nothing like the motherly touch when you were fucked up.

Most of the chicks in my division did fuck all. Well that's not true, a few of them fucked some of the guys. In dry dock it wasn't hard to find a secluded space for half an hour or more... You just might have to shoo off a nigger taking a sneaky nap first.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I found a good way to avoid this. I ask what language I can write the answer in. they always say "any".

so i select something like rust or x86 as saying we might as well make this fun and interesting. then if they gotta go find someone else who can write the code = I disqualify them. if they can't ready any code and kinda get the logic out of it, then their iq isn't worth anyone's time.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 4y

Trust me they hired a nog. That test was to prove they interviewed the correct size sample to keep the lawyers off them. Likely had a nog waiting in the wings.

[–] 2 pts 4y

Same thing happened to me with the city Fire Department.

[–] 1 pt 4y

They give you the youre over qualified lie?

[–] 1 pt 4y

no. just rude as shit on the phone and probably hired a nigger

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y (edited 4y)

Whats up Clearwater!! I miss my beach.

[–] 1 pt 4y

When were you last there. They've done so much construction it's barely recognizable. Some good some bad. Frenchies is still the best Grouper sandwich.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

A year ago and agree its terrible what they did to that beach. I have fond memories of telling the hotel yesmen back in the day to go fuck themselves when they'd try to kick us off the beach in front of their hotel for skimboarding.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Took a good buddy to Fenchies when I was there. Good times.

[–] 0 pt 4y

going down in the 40's tonight! back up to 70 tomorrow