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[–] 0 pt 4y

I dropped out of school a week before my 16th birthday. I took 2 years off from school, worked at a grocery store etc, and moved to a different state. I took the GED and scored better than 70-80% of high school grads, and I was fucking awful at math. I didn't even have classes at school for some of the math on the test, so I'd just guess.

I didn't know whether to feel proud and smug at scoring higher than most grads, or feel sad and a bit scared that most of them scored so low.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

LOL. Same! I was really surprised rather than proud I scored the highest. GED, otherwise known as the "good enough diploma".

It was just surreal how juxtaposed their focus was as they immediately shifted from "best score? nah." to "congratulate this dummy, folks!".

Maybe that's white privilege they talk about? Are they mad that some of us are faster learners?