as someone else getting real sick of their government, how about buying a boat and cruising the world, that is looking like a better and better option everyday, pick up money where you can working for other boat owners in marinas, odd jobs, maybe do a bit of trading of commodities when island hopping, you can fish/dive for most of your food if you like seafood anyway, learn about preserving and so some foraging while on shore, and of course there is shops if you cant do that
eventually find a group of like minded boaters and set up a club that helps each other when convenient, stuff like club mooring, tips on what people on an island are desperate for, destinations which are low cost, convoy traveling for safety(not like there is really much of a risk of pirates but if one sinks you have people there to pick them up) if the club gets to a decent size there may even be a possibility of get some construction work for people looking to build on remote islands
end game would be building an island in international waters, name it new phoenician and start building a trade empire
Boating is expensive. Foraging is hard. Boating is high skill, high labor.
If you're solo, and skilled, it might be a way however. Sailboats, especially old cruisers are going for a pittance.
Alas, the free boat is always the most expensive.. Fair winds buddy ;)
yeah, learned that lesson recently, cut my losses quickly and only ended up throwing away a few hundred quid, cheap boats aint cheep either, learned a hell of a lot though so il just put that down as educational
next time il be spending a few more grand and getting something hopefully seaworthy and i now at least i know what expensive problems to look for lol
you too bud
how about buying a boat and cruising the world, that is looking like a better and better option everyday, pick up money where you can working for other boat owners in marinas, odd jobs, maybe do a bit of trading of commodities when island hopping
I've legitimately been toying with this idea on and off for years now.
I have an IYT skippers licence and AMSA equivalency, can sail to the middle of nowhere, build my own house, bricks, mortar, wiring, everything and skip the rat race before we call get sterilised by the (((government))).
name it new phoenician
Critically underrated post on poal.
I think this may be an amazing idea, I did get seasick on big water but I'm sure you get used to it. I wonder what it would take and I'm sure bigger boat the better for big waves and storms.
(post is archived)