Ya also forgot the part about infiltrating and subverting the western banking and money supply. Just print trillions of dollars for you and your friends, and don't forget that sweet war machine.
We need an ethnic group name, and "white European" or just "white" ain't gonna cut it. It needs to be something completely removed from what we actually are (like "Jew" - not semite or middle eastern). Christian won't cut it either (not to mention many of our ancestors were pagan).
How about niggerfaggots? Or maybe just Niots... it's a made up word (from trimming out "ggerfagg"), sounds like an ethnicity, and now we can fill in the noble heritage behind Niots and our historic oppression that gives us need for special protections.
Also airfare for kikes flying to israel for religious holidays is fully deductible, so when you travel to your ancestral home with your wives and 20 children deduct all costs.
We need many rich supporters to buy land in a place with a weak government.
This happened once before, and it actually worked! A bunch of people took some rich investor's money to set up shop on new land. However, once their society was flourishing, the investors wanted to tax the shit out of these people until they couldn't take it anymore, they revolted, killed their old master's army in battle, and then set up a charter blocking all bankers and tyranny for almost 150 years.
I think it was called... America? Something like that anyway.
Seriously though, what's to stop a likeminded group from doing the same in Alaska or another part of the US?
@jujubeanhas an open backdoor policy for anyone looking to stay. If you're straight and really want to move then the glownigs will save you from needing streetlights if you post the loc online.
(post is archived)