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My government is corrupt and hasn't represented me or my family at any part in my life. How do I stop funding my demise without going to jail or paying even more through fines and lawyers?

My government is corrupt and hasn't represented me or my family at any part in my life. How do I stop funding my demise without going to jail or paying even more through fines and lawyers?

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 4y

how about buying a boat and cruising the world, that is looking like a better and better option everyday, pick up money where you can working for other boat owners in marinas, odd jobs, maybe do a bit of trading of commodities when island hopping

I've legitimately been toying with this idea on and off for years now.

I have an IYT skippers licence and AMSA equivalency, can sail to the middle of nowhere, build my own house, bricks, mortar, wiring, everything and skip the rat race before we call get sterilised by the (((government))).

name it new phoenician


Critically underrated post on poal.