Tom Hanks? Ok Q clown. That was a fuckign rumor you ass clowns pushed.
It IS all part of the plan, the kalergi plan
yelp. ^ this x10000
At least someone gets it.
You should maybe research Q yourself and come to your own conclusion instead of taking other people's findings as fact. This is why so many people refer to the Q anons as qtards etc,. They're too retarded to do their own research or they're just shills.
He did come to his own conclusion: anyone who thinks Q is on our side at this point is following a religion, not looking at the facts. This was true six months ago and it's 10x as true now.
We call you Qtards because your gullibility has risen to the level of mental deficiency.
Cloning is very real and yet you deny the possibility that humans would clone humans? To be so naive with my head in the sand...
Hey man, why don't you just go to Tom Hanks twitter page, look at when he last tweeted, and then come up with an explanation of why he hasn't posted on Twitter since May 22nd 2020
hey man. I lived in LA for years until i escaped to Dallas. I know the Biz and the circles in Hollywood. Both Tom and his wife have been eating at the same caffe in Beverly Hills for months. So take your Q fag shit elsewhere and kick rocks. You do a disservice to Real Patriots who know what the fuck is really going on. And what about Ellen? Sorry Q fag. I have people who know her and she isn't on house arrest. You fucking Q clowns are as bad as the Leftist.
Oh cool. Glad to know he is ok. Would you mind asking him to post on twitter so we know he is ok? Ellen, too. ThankQ!
Q never said Tom Hanks was a pedophile rapist but thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about and just repeat what you read. Faggot.
SAD you still have faith in the world you were born into.
People here disagree on a lot of different subjects, but I don’t think anyone here fits that description. We may agree or disagree on different subjects, but I don’t think anyone here believes in the world we were born in to, or that things are “as they seem”.
That's because you're capable of communicating like a human being and not a paid shill.
(post is archived)