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Nobody I know really likes the government. I’m pretty sure most people’s opinions of Trump would improve dramatically if he were to actually start wiping them out.

Nobody I know really *likes* the government. I’m pretty sure most people’s opinions of Trump would improve dramatically if he were to actually start wiping them out.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y (edited 4y)

Some of them even claimed, and they weren’t kidding, he was replaced with a fully grown human clone.

They also told us that the election was secure, but then when it turned out not to be, that’s just part of the plan.

On election day, when it looked like he was going to win, that was the plan. That was the “proof” the patriots were “in control.”

When Democrats stole it, all of a sudden, that was the plan. And they just say this as if they thought that all along. They forget that two hours earlier, outright winning was the plan.

They told everyone that the nomination rumors of Amy Coney Barrett were a decoy for the real nominee. Then she’s actually nominated and she’s the greatest thing in the world. And that’s the plan now.

Every loss they faced in election fraud cases was part of the plan to get to the Supreme Court. We know how that worked out, but that’s still more evidence of the plan. It’s amazing.

Honest to God they claim they never move goalposts but they will sometimes move them within the same fucking day!

If they get a victory, all praise to Q team. If they lose that exact same thing, that’s now part of the plan.

None of these setbacks that have been “part of the plan” have ever later produced fruit. But it stalls long enough for them to drop the subject.

Remember when they told us that Trump was “exposing” Dr. Fauci by putting him on TV every day? And he was going to be fired any day now with his narrative proven to be a lie?

Instead, he panicked people every day on television while Trump stood there and watched him lie. Nothing ever happened, he wasn’t fired, and millions upon millions upon millions of people believe him. They said he’d be fired “any day now,” and said it for months, they don’t even bother with that anymore. They just don’t address it anymore. But that’s what they do, they are eventually proven wrong and just drop it. You bring up their own words from months ago, years ago, they at first pretend they never said it. Then you link to their actual comments saying it and they just stop responding. They’re so transparent.

And they continuously believe people who have never proven themselves to be worthy witnesses. Certain lawyers who have been, for almost 2 years now, threatening to “release information“ have never released it and the Q people never hold them accountable. It will be released when the time comes! They’ve said that about every piece of information that ended up never being released. Never. Being. Released. Still waiting, four years in some cases, still waiting, nothing. It’s infantile to still believe this.

They are emotionally invested, that is the only reason they still condition themselves to believe. It would be emotionally devastating for them to admit they’ve been had.

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[–] 2 pts 4y

It IS all part of the plan, the kalergi plan

[–] 0 pt 4y

You should maybe research Q yourself and come to your own conclusion instead of taking other people's findings as fact. This is why so many people refer to the Q anons as qtards etc,. They're too retarded to do their own research or they're just shills.

[–] 0 pt 4y

He did come to his own conclusion: anyone who thinks Q is on our side at this point is following a religion, not looking at the facts. This was true six months ago and it's 10x as true now.

We call you Qtards because your gullibility has risen to the level of mental deficiency.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Lol then you are not competent to put pieces of a puzzle together. Q wasn't meant for you. Just sit back and ask questions when you do, the adults will help you then.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Cloning is very real and yet you deny the possibility that humans would clone humans? To be so naive with my head in the sand...