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History time: Berserkers as modern pop culture has depicted them never existed. The word "berserker" literally translates to "bear shirt"... because they wore bear skins. They were often very skilled fighters, chosen by their Jarls (lords) to act as their champions/bodyguards.

They didn't take mushrooms and go into frothing rages and run into battle naked, killing friend and foe alike. Shit's a myth.

There is a hilarious scene from the Sagas in which a man was displaying some of the characteristics of the "modern day berserker". Two opposing Dane armies were forming up to fight one another. A man (We'll call "Barry the Berserker", or just Barry) from one side rode out onto the field and started shouting challenges to the other side. A man rode out from his side to meet the challenge (we'll just call him Chad).

The two men meet in the field and agree to a fight to the death, single combat, starting mounted. Barry the Berserker began howling, chanting, pounding his chest, and biting the leather on the edge of his shield. He's probably trying to both psyche himself up and psyche Chad out.

But Chad is a Chad. He sees Barry sperging out, biting his shield... so he rides up near him, and kicks the bottom of Barry's shield upward. He had his teeth clamped on the edge of his own shield when the kick landed. He fell off of his horse, all of his teeth falling out of his now-bloodied mouth, rolling around on the ground pathetically. Chad drew his sword, rode back around, and decapitated Barry the Berserker.

What a fucking hilarious scene that must've been. I'm sure the onlookers from both sides found it hilarious, too- Danes (the proper term for "Vikings" is Danes) had notoriously dark senses of humor, even in the face of their own deaths.