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[–] 5 pts 2y

"WAAAAAH....White Males created EVERYTHING!!!"

[–] 0 pt 2y

European White Males created EVERYTHING that lasted and created the foundation of civilization. The few exceptions like the pyramids and the Great Wall of China are impressive slave-labor creations but are basically stacked bricks. It took mathematics and engineering to create flying buttress cathedrals, suspension bridges and buildings higher than three stories.

[–] 1 pt 2y

Ancient Egyptians were not black.

[–] 0 pt 2y

They weren't European either. That's why included that word.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Great ancient civilizations had white race bones? How supreme!

[–] [deleted] 4 pts 2y

A lot of this controversy really starts w/ the DNA testing of egyptian mummies. (Hint: Many are western european and it's why they don't want to test the rest)

[–] 1 pt 2y

It's going to be interesting when the future space aliens come dig up our planet.