Marry an indian and live in a reservation
What else?
It's legal, they can come there and buy everything, behave like porks all they want as long at it's legal and they pay, and they have almost unlimited money, so the abuse is perpetual until they find a better place to go/until everything is ruined and they move on
What's for sure is that they won't settle where the grid isn't present, because they are too accustomed to their modern comfort
married to a good woman
Why do you want to stay?
Your family is there since forever? You can't afford to move? You just don't want to live anywhere else on earth?
running burns resources. this place burns more and more as the cost of living skyrockets. were nearly depleted. got maybe 6 months of coasting. high burn rate because of crazy darned decisions thinking this was the promised land. sokay. working on a real backup plan. I just hope im not out of time
(post is archived)