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That is all

Boobs out

That is all Boobs out

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 5y

Just hit CTRL+F5

It will do a cache-less refresh which often has the same affect as clearing your cache manually and tehn refreshing Poal.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 5y

For those using firefox or waterfox this means clear cache. Hit edit, preferences, advanced at the bottom and then clear user cache. BTW for new users it's pronounced cash just so you know in the future.

[–] 1 pt 5y

thank you for the clarification. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 5y

I remember in my first few years that would have been confusing so I explained it like I would like it explained to me back then. I still have trouble with half assed linux terminal instructions with no full examples so when I do linux posts I fully explain everything for the newbs to let them SEE how it actually is written.