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To join the chat:

  • download Element(element.io) app (opensource)

  • change the default homeserver to chat.poal.co

  • login/register (no email required)

  • join #IGLOO (general room)

EDIT: Maintenance is over and everything is back to normal!

To join the chat: * download [Element](https://element.io) app (opensource) * change the default homeserver to chat.poal.co * login/register (no email required) * join #IGLOO (general room) EDIT: Maintenance is over and everything is back to normal!

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

I remember finding my dad's Commodore 64, learning qbasic and hacking my Jr high computer class with a autoexec.bat loop in DOS that wouldn't let any of the networked computers start when I was in grade 8 at 11 years old in 2003. They banned the computer class after that and fired the teacher but I did it because he would let the girls sit on his lap and it infuriated me.