No more ads and tracking as long as you play them from poal's expando (little ► under video post titles)
You can also search and watch YT videos without ads and tracking on Poaltube:
Thanks for making it happen!
No more ads and tracking as long as you play them from poal's expando (little ► under video post titles)
You can also search and watch YT videos without ads and tracking on Poaltube:
Thanks for making it happen!
Hi! Invidious is free software(, so you should feel free to modify and distribute as you see fit. However, you must provide a link to any modified source, and clear statement of the license (AGPLv3) and copyright attribution. See here.
Let me know if you have any questions. You should be able to contact me here or on Riot(
Thank you. Can you explain with a little depth how it works in relation to JT? Not too technical, but where and how the video files is manipulated.
So what it does, is pulls the video URL from youtube and serves it up in an html5 player hosted on one of our servers, so no yt tracking. This is just the first version of what I'm planning on doing.
Thanks. How is this approach different that what hooktube was doing that got them changed? Is this something like you're a "user" watching the YT vid and we're just looking over your shoulder, unknown to YT?
Well its different from hooketube in that it doesn't use any of the youtube API, youtube can't look over your shoulder at what you are watching(also no ads) its an instance of invidious at its core for the moment but the plan is bigger than that.
We do our best. This was a good idea, and I'm loving it.
Good shite thanks goys
shut it down!
Very cool, thanks guys! I'll check it out and give it a shot.
Any chance you'll be able to enable Poal videos in the sub sidebar video player ... that would be another plus, since only YT works now as far as I know.
yes for sure this is in the works.
Great. That player is cool, but so limited because of the YT thing.
Good podcast last night BTW ... I was listening!
Thank you, I wasn't super sure how that one went comparatively speaking, I want to be a little better prepared next week.
So basically you guys figured out a way to make it so that all YouTube embeds are pulled up as embeds? If so, that is quite awesome! Keep up the good work!
That's correct.
That's pretty sweet.
So do you guys host the videos on your own servers?
I meant it more in the futurama professors voice good news everyone.
Thanks we try our best.
(post is archived)