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Since Poal successfully migrated and came back a few days ago, it has been experiencing direct DDoS attacks over ToR (not very effective lol) and some accounts have started inciting others to take violent actions (use of deadly force) which is a ToS violation.

They are now doubling down on getting Poal shut down after several failed attempts (chat and pic8 have also been targeted).

That's what they do when attacks on free speech platforms don't work.

So if you want to help Poal, you can report them by tagging me in the post/comment thread where the cubicle glowies are (or use the report button for level30+).

Also, for those of you upvoting these glowniggers, you will get treated as such (permanent ban).

Since Poal successfully [migrated and came back a few days ago](https://poal.co/p/499621), it has been experiencing direct DDoS attacks over ToR (not very effective lol) and some accounts have started inciting others to take violent actions (use of deadly force) which is a ToS violation. They are now doubling down on getting Poal shut down after several failed attempts (chat and pic8 have also been targeted). That's what they do when attacks on free speech platforms don't work. So if you want to help Poal, you can report them by tagging me in the post/comment thread where the cubicle glowies are (or use the report button for level30+). Also, for those of you upvoting these glowniggers, you will get treated as such (permanent ban).

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts (edited )

If this is about my threads, I'll lay off the borderline glowfag posts for now.

For the record saying someone deserves to be hung/executed is not a crime nor a threat.

Likewise it's lawful speech especially where the understanding is "hung/executed" in the context of a trial and due process.

To be a crime or a threat it has to be 1. credible

  1. names specific names

  2. names a means

  3. names a specific time and place.

If it doesn't have those elements it doesn't qualify.

I also specify thoroughly in all my posts I am peaceful, and have never implicitly or explicitly encouraged violence.

I'm saying things that explicitly do break the mold, well within the bounds of the law.

And I can show, on dozens of occasions, in my posts and comments, where I actively discouraged violence. That can't even be debated.

If this isn't about my specific threads or posts, carry on AOU.

[–] 1 pt

This is why I try to say, "arrested and executed", or, "executed by the state." As this implicitly means due process and a function of law rather than a general call for violence.

Rule of law must be restored.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

This is why I try to say, "arrested and executed", or, "executed by the state."

Same, generally. Otherwise saying "people deserve to die" and calling for peace in the same sentence, doesn't make sense.

Rule of law must be restored.

It won't be restored until things get unimaginably ugly and worse.

For reference, the ottawa trucker protests, and the blm/antifa riots didn't bring back the rule of law.

So whatever conditions necessary to restore the rule of law, will have to be larger in scope and more severe than either of those.

Buckle up.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I don't disagree. But things will slowly escalate and people will slow awaken to what's going on. This is a race for them to destroy the world vs us wake it up. Strangling cities with truck drivers actually is violence. It is, of course, way low on the spectrum. But it is clearly having an effect. The real questions are, will it continue to grow and spread, and will they make the correct demands?

[–] 0 pt

If this is about my threads, I'll lay off the borderline glowfag posts for now.

Several accounts have been doing this since poal moved to the new host.

For the record saying someone deserves to be.... is not a crime nor a threat.

To be a crime or a threat it has to be

With all due respect, you don't get to decide what qualifies as calls to violence here.

This isn't the first time we have to interact on that matter. I hope we won't have to again.

[–] 4 pts (edited )

With all due respect, you don't get to decide what qualifies as calls to violence here.

Your site, your rules. I'm just explaining from my own understanding what I know about the law, which apparently is broader than the TOS, obviously to be safe. Guess I got to go read the TOS again.

I'm not trying to shit in your pool AOU, even if it is shitposting. I'm actually really grateful for the site.

I don't know about anyone else making posts, and I'm not responsible for them.

This isn't the first time we have to interact on that matter.

Don't recall the last time if we did. When was this?

[–] 0 pt

I'm not trying to shit in your pool

I know, but these kind of posts aren't really helping.

Don't recall the last time if we did. When was this?

Check our past PM.

[–] 0 pt

Could you clarify? Poalers with any sense are familiar with the legal definition of calls to violence and are onboard with you removing unlawful content such as "We should go kill Homer Simpson on Tuesday January 10th in 1992 in the library with the wrench" because that's an incitement to violence (or assault, terroristic threats, etc...the exact crime label depends on the jurisdiction). If Poal's ToS exceeds the legal definition, it's important to be very clear on what Poal's ToS prohibits to avoid damaging trust in the community due to a mismatch between the rules as written (calls to violence have a discrete legal meaning) and the rules as enforced.

TLDR: We love Poal and want to avoid a Reddit situation where people follow the rules and still gets the banstick because the site admin isn't enforcing the rules but rather "whatever the admin arbitrarily doesn't like depending on the alignment of the planets, which side of the bed he woke up on, and this morning's horoscope".

[–] 0 pt

Remember. The terms could have different legal meanings in different jurisdictions. Better be safe and keep this platform no?

[–] 0 pt

If Poal's ToS exceeds the legal definition, it's important to be very clear on what Poal's ToS prohibits

No calls to violence means what it means.