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Poal and Vid8 are gonna go offline (our host is giving up on us), but will be back.

Looks like someone got really butthurt with what has been discussed/shared here and reported us multiple times to our hosting.

They are now asking us to migrate to another host as soon as possible.

I asked them to provide me with details about the abuse. I'll keep you updated here in this post.

I also noticed they have recently updated their Terms and Conditions and added the following in it:

  • Fake news websites

  • Antisemitism or any other kind of hate speech

So I'll be looking for a new host that doesn't endorse censorship and migrate there.

In the meantime we'll stay in touch over Poal Chat that will remain online.

* https://chat.poal.co

Create an account (no email required) and join the #general room through the web version or with Element app (desktop and mobile) and make sure to use chat.poal.co for the homeserver.

Poal will grow stronger. Free speech will always prevail, no matter what.


Last update:

Poal will be going down on Monday morning. A static page will stay up with informations on how to join our chat.

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Poal and Vid8 are gonna go offline (our host is giving up on us), but will be back. Looks like someone got really butthurt with what has been discussed/shared here and reported us multiple times to our hosting. They are now asking us to migrate to another host as soon as possible. I asked them to provide me with details about the abuse. I'll keep you updated here in this post. I also noticed they have recently updated their Terms and Conditions and added the following in it: * Fake news websites * Antisemitism or any other kind of hate speech So I'll be looking for a new host that doesn't endorse censorship and migrate there. ---- ## In the meantime we'll stay in touch over Poal Chat that will remain online. ## * https://chat.poal.co ## Create an account (no email required) and join the #general room through the web version or with Element app (desktop and mobile) and make sure to use chat.poal.co for the homeserver. ---- ## **Poal will grow stronger. Free speech will always prevail, no matter what.** —— # Last update: # Poal will be going down on Monday morning. A static page will stay up with informations on how to join our chat.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 3y

over 1,000 long fun facts in sorted folders, thousands of videos and memes, and tens of thousands of topical snippets OF OTHERS.

My fun facts are not from others, they are researched by me, but others repost them and they are meant to be shared. They are all 100% (fully) factual. Even this one I posted is 100% factual but people here are trying to doubt my 100% factual statements. Trust me though, that me not engaging in debate does not mean I acquiesce to empty assertions caused by my words confusing people.

I generally only release them as needed

I generally only release them as needed as a topic is broached prior on-topic in a thread. Always on topic for a thread. This makes some only appear in astoundingly rare situations (the smell of a great ape, or penile rape bones in select species) Some I never release in recent years, as co-workers in my building would identify me. I will pm you quit_google a list of links to about 100 or so of them some one managed to collect and post, out of far more I posted over the years. Many fun facts are beyond mind blowing. I am feeling generous and melancholy , so I will send you hours of fun facts to read "quit_google". The PM may be lost on the reboot reimage of the VPS database of poal.co but I will note to resend if you never get the my pm.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I knew it. Or rather suspected it. Someone else would just write FUN FACT #89 as a sort of joke but this is the real deal. 1000 fun facts was a bit more than I expected though.

Thanks. I will definitely check it out. I am sure I will learn something.

I hope you suffer less melancholy in the future.