I sincerely hope you find yourself much like my coworker and prospecting partner who just turned 80 and going strong! It’s kinda weird these days in that it seems the 60’s are the new 80’s for many of our generation. I fell for many of the jewish tricks in my youth, but also came away from them rather quickly and tried to lead a healthy, wholesome life as much as one can in these times of deceit. My current condition befell me within a matter of weeks out of nowhere so it came as quite a surprise and a struggle I’ve yet to come to terms with. It is what it is, I’ve been fortunate to see many of God’s beautiful works of nature and beast. And some of those by the best of men. Of these things I know you understand too! Be well and stay well my friend!
it seems the 60’s are the new 80’s for many of our generation.
I'll never forget the wild and crazy days of SDRR! (Sex, Drugs and Rock'n Roll). Boomers pushed themselves to the limit on just about every front. "Work hard, play hard", "I'll sleep when I'm dead" ... now knee, hip and rotator cuff replacements were never before so popular.
Lol…something something sliding into my grave sideways.
Sadly a great many of my classmates died of alcoholism and drug abuse. Or have suffered unnecessarily throughout life because of them.
Thanks jews.
(post is archived)