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Like she says at the end, there is no final solution to stop AI from stealing content. This is an arms race, but imagine being a bit AI company knowing a good portion of the new data you’ve scraped for training is poisoned. Meanwhile an even larger portion of it is crap generated by your own AI.

Stealing training data is far more costly than it used to be. They might even reach a point where they pay people to use their content.

Like she says at the end, there is no final solution to stop AI from stealing content. This is an arms race, but imagine being a bit AI company knowing a good portion of the new data you’ve scraped for training is poisoned. Meanwhile an even larger portion of it is crap generated by your own AI. Stealing training data is far more costly than it used to be. They might even reach a point where they *pay* people to use their content.
[–] 0 pt 9d

Xpost this in another sub, OP. There are more people that will want to see this. We love subversion.