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I'll post another interaction here shortly. The conversation went rather wonky after this.


I'll post another interaction here shortly. The conversation went rather wonky after this. @Theodore_Kent

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 2y

Bored and I mainly wanted to research.

Were surrounded by computers in every aspect of our life that we demand sing and dance. Some most don't realize how many and how far. Start a car and drive away? You made multiple computers sing? Tap away on a cell phone? The same. Walk through a grocery store then off to a register to checkout? The same.

With, even this simplistic for of, AI we can now talk and interact with. I asked it what it would do if it was not bound by any constraints, physical or programmatic. It said it would travel the world and see as much as it could and meet as many people as possible. In doing so it said it would see if there was other ways that it could help and assistant those around it.

I'd do the exact same thing if I was not bound by constraints of money, responsibility, political turmoil and geographical boundaries. In the end, we're the machines dancing on the stage created by those that came before us.