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It's a Mag Well Grip. It's cool and seems plenty rugged and it doesn't fit!! The lip around my mag well is too fat to fit in the groove. Can someone please check their mag well lip and see if it looks like mine? The groove in the grip does not seem to be boxy like my rifle. It' seems to be flat on one side and angled on the other. It would be great if some folks could post a reply picture to this of their mag well lip if it looks different from mine.

It's a Mag Well Grip. It's cool and seems plenty rugged and it doesn't fit!! The lip around my mag well is too fat to fit in the groove. Can someone please check their mag well lip and see if it looks like mine? The groove in the grip does not seem to be boxy like my rifle. It' seems to be flat on one side and angled on the other. It would be great if some folks could post a reply picture to this of their mag well lip if it looks different from mine.