I have a question though.
Cost wise, is it cheaper to have such a setup at home or use a third party service to print your project’s parts?
I would say that if you have a very occasional project that farming it out would save a ton of money. But if you have lots of stuff to do and you like doing it yourself then having your own is the way to go. Plus, I have already learned that making parts do not always come out as expected and you gotta go back into the cad and change stuff. So I can print it and if it needs adjusting I can do that and reprint right now.
Learning CAD is more difficult than learning to use the printer, that's for sure!
Thanks, that answer confirmed what I thought.
My most recent pricing experience is that service bureaus typically charge 10x what the actual material/wear and tear cost is. We are running internal machines now and only send out for exotic materials, large quantities.
So, if you are printing something about the size of a coffee mug once a week - it will pay for itself in a year.
VERY roughly speaking.
My needs in 3D printed parts is close to 0% a year, adding that the tech is evolving rapidly to even break even.
(post is archived)