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I recently had the last conversation I will ever have with my childhood best friend. We have decided that our worldviews are so far apart that we just cannot speak anymore after I publicly ridiculed Pride Month. The last thing he said to me was that he just cannot keep in touch with someone who is so full of hate. My initial reaction was to try and tell him that it is not out of hate that I said all of the many things that caused us to have countless debates, but I thought about it for awhile, and you know, he's right.

Now don't get me wrong, my primary motivation is indeed a love for my people. What I had to admit though was that saying you love something without having a deadly hatred for all that threatens that which you say you love, makes your profession of love nothing more than an empty catch phrase. A mere political slogan if you will.

So he is correct. I am full of both love and hate. My love has made me hate, and I already know that I will end my days fighting, and probably dying, trying to protect my White brethren. I am at peace with this realization, for either we embrace the struggle or we will surely go extinct.

I choose Valhalla, and I hope to see you there. #14Words

I recently had the last conversation I will ever have with my childhood best friend. We have decided that our worldviews are so far apart that we just cannot speak anymore after I publicly ridiculed Pride Month. The last thing he said to me was that he just cannot keep in touch with someone who is so full of hate. My initial reaction was to try and tell him that it is not out of hate that I said all of the many things that caused us to have countless debates, but I thought about it for awhile, and you know, he's right. Now don't get me wrong, my primary motivation is indeed a love for my people. What I had to admit though was that saying you love something without having a deadly hatred for all that threatens that which you say you love, makes your profession of love nothing more than an empty catch phrase. A mere political slogan if you will. So he is correct. I am full of both love and hate. My love has made me hate, and I already know that I will end my days fighting, and probably dying, trying to protect my White brethren. I am at peace with this realization, for either we embrace the struggle or we will surely go extinct. I choose Valhalla, and I hope to see you there. #14Words

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 8 pts


You get enough demoralizing every day, you dont need your friends to penetrate your brain as well.

It is perfectly fine to be disgusted by men dressed up like sluts. It is OK to be against wounds that need dilation. Pride is not just a sin but the mother of all sins.

You need to find like minded people.

Spend more time at the gym.

10 years from now, you will barely remember the faggot lover.

I got ejected by my wolfpack when we finished school and it was the best thing that could ever happen to me.

My friends constantly tried to fuck each others' girl. They contstantly tried to break each other up. My "BFF" locked my girlfriend in the bathroom during one of my parties and thought it was funny and they trashed my place up. While I was part of this group, we all did the same shit...to others and I mistakenly thought we were funny.

Being an asshole is not funny. SHocking humour is not funny. Random humour is not funny...and to top it all off.. INSIDE JOKES ARE NOT FUNNY.

God fucking motherfucking damnit the inside jokes...so many inside jokes... basically we were retards that would just look at each other, whisper some stupid shit like "run the whisky cup" and force ourselves to laugh. God I wish I could go back and punch my teenage self.

If people cant stand anything other then the echo of their own opinion, they can go fuck themselves.


Here is a small (now out dated foldier) where you can see why you made the right decision.

Look into the trans folder


I think I'm going to be sick!

want me to upload my videos?

[+] [deleted] 0 pt