[–] [deleted] • 1 pt Seriously? Are you new to politics? Seriously? Are you new to politics? parent link [+] [deleted] • 1 pt [deleted by user] [–] • 0 pt I know about the eyes countries but have no idea about catboy story. I know about the eyes countries but have no idea about catboy story. parent link [–] • 0 pt No not new, but I've never heard that specific term. No not new, but I've never heard that specific term. parent link
[–] • 0 pt I know about the eyes countries but have no idea about catboy story. I know about the eyes countries but have no idea about catboy story. parent link
[–] • 0 pt No not new, but I've never heard that specific term. No not new, but I've never heard that specific term. parent link
(post is archived)