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The stone came raining down, instantly shattering Morofen's shield into two distinct shards. He released a blood-curdling scream for the stone had not just shattered his shield.

Watching his shield fall to the ground, Morofen unsheathed his sword with his good arm. "We must make haste, my lady." Morofen chocked out. "The enemy draws nigh."

Exiting the wood, Morofen and the lady looked upon the outskirts of their city. It was in flames. The foe could be seen plundering whatever uncharred buildings remained. "What can we do now, my lord?"

Leaving the ruined city to their right, they fled west towards the Sacred Caves. "Morofen!" a loud whisper from the trees. Morofen's sword sprung alive. He would die if it meant the lady could escape. "Nay, my lord, 'tis I, Renlore, thy friend. And Lady Aerla! You were long thought dead! Those who escaped made it to the Caves, you must come."

They arrived at a small hill 300 paces from the Caves. Armed guards stood at their entrance. "Wait here for my whistle." Renlore went ahead.

"Halt! Identify yourself immediately or be slain," one of the guards commanded, hand on his hilt. "I am Renlore, Foglir. Be at ease and rejoice. The Lady Aerla and Morofen have returned to us, though Morofen is wounded." "Let them come forth!" Foglir said as he smiled. Renlore whistled back towards the hill.

There was little time for celebrating the pair's return; the Lady Aerla was escorted to the safest part of the caves and given guards. Morofen's wound was dressed and he was instructed to rest. "Renlore," Foglir called. "While my heart soothes at the return of Lady Aerla, her uncle, King Oredhil is still missing. We must make counsel."

"King Oredhil may still be alive. We must gather the men and prepare a counter-attack." Foglir positioned. "Renlore, I need you to lead some of the men." "Yes, my lord, we shall head out at once, though I advise we utilize stealth. I know not if we have the strength necessary to reclaim the city. Let us not openly attack unless there be no avoiding it."

Just 100 valiant men silently crept from the Caves. All ears were listening to Lord Foglir. "Renlore, take your company east so that you are directly north of the city. Mine will march south, and then east, so that together our men surround the city. When you're positioned, wait an hour for my company to arrive. Stay in the cover of the darkness and the brush. At an hour's time, advance towards the city and clear each building as they come. Kill those of the foe who wander too far from their pack. Though, take care not to draw attention to yourself, lest the foe hold numbers far greater than your own. We will find King Oredhil."

The stone came raining down, instantly shattering Morofen's shield into two distinct shards. He released a blood-curdling scream for the stone had not just shattered his shield. Watching his shield fall to the ground, Morofen unsheathed his sword with his good arm. "We must make haste, my lady." Morofen chocked out. "The enemy draws nigh." Exiting the wood, Morofen and the lady looked upon the outskirts of their city. It was in flames. The foe could be seen plundering whatever uncharred buildings remained. "What can we do now, my lord?" Leaving the ruined city to their right, they fled west towards the Sacred Caves. "Morofen!" a loud whisper from the trees. Morofen's sword sprung alive. He would die if it meant the lady could escape. "Nay, my lord, 'tis I, Renlore, thy friend. And Lady Aerla! You were long thought dead! Those who escaped made it to the Caves, you must come." They arrived at a small hill 300 paces from the Caves. Armed guards stood at their entrance. "Wait here for my whistle." Renlore went ahead. "Halt! Identify yourself immediately or be slain," one of the guards commanded, hand on his hilt. "I am Renlore, Foglir. Be at ease and rejoice. The Lady Aerla and Morofen have returned to us, though Morofen is wounded." "Let them come forth!" Foglir said as he smiled. Renlore whistled back towards the hill. There was little time for celebrating the pair's return; the Lady Aerla was escorted to the safest part of the caves and given guards. Morofen's wound was dressed and he was instructed to rest. "Renlore," Foglir called. "While my heart soothes at the return of Lady Aerla, her uncle, King Oredhil is still missing. We must make counsel." "King Oredhil may still be alive. We must gather the men and prepare a counter-attack." Foglir positioned. "Renlore, I need you to lead some of the men." "Yes, my lord, we shall head out at once, though I advise we utilize stealth. I know not if we have the strength necessary to reclaim the city. Let us not openly attack unless there be no avoiding it." Just 100 valiant men silently crept from the Caves. All ears were listening to Lord Foglir. "Renlore, take your company east so that you are directly north of the city. Mine will march south, and then east, so that together our men surround the city. When you're positioned, wait an hour for my company to arrive. Stay in the cover of the darkness and the brush. At an hour's time, advance towards the city and clear each building as they come. Kill those of the foe who wander too far from their pack. Though, take care not to draw attention to yourself, lest the foe hold numbers far greater than your own. We will find King Oredhil."

(post is archived)