Once upon a time long ago on another website, I read this, I should re read it.
Oh man, I've been meaning to read the entirety for a while. If I don't make some comments by Wednesday hold me to it.
Will do, going on two weeks for me and just caught up in lifes quagmire.
This guy is someone I'd buy a beer or two and talk with. Sure he was technically a serial killer but he had reasons. Not all of which I disagree with.
I hope I don't talk about this reading with normies (cough).
In this day and age human life is one of the cheapest resources available. He was a great man and like all great men with no backing from the establishment was forced to find recourse through his own hand.
@SunOutGunsOut Do you know about the "smartest man alive" Christopher Langan? Here are some highlights. https://twitter.com/westland_will/status/1015652228126797824?lang=en
Post that to republicoftx sub man. I read what you posted but need time to process.
Yeah understand. He is not like, oh that's a nice little tidbit. More like, wow, this is thick, heavy stuff that may take me hours or days to deal with mentally! LOL! And the guy is a frickin bouncer! His FB post really sent some liberals over the edge.
@republicoftx - see my link post above --^
Read Julius Evola: Revolt Against the Modern World, Ride the Tiger, and The Bow and the Club.
Why? What are the merits.
It’s Ted Kazinsky on steroids
Of the mind. I am not the smartest person as the poalcast shows but I can understand his layout. He died for our sins in a way kike jesus never did.
I saw Evola mentioned on various chan posts, intend to read soon
(post is archived)