What if I use the money to fund insurrectionists?
That's like asking if we should import more niggers so we can make them build a border wall. It's all based on your moral compass and how you choose to follow it.
>What if I use the money to fund insurrectionists?
That's like asking if we should import more niggers so we can make them build a border wall. It's all based on your moral compass and how you choose to follow it.
I'm just going to use to pay next year's boat dockage/storage and put-in/haul out fees anyways.
I'm just going to use to pay next year's boat dockage/storage and put-in/haul out fees anyways.
I'm just going to use to pay next year's boat dockage put-in/haul out fees anyways.
the cycle of (((money)))
$$$ --> jews --> $$$ --> jews --> ad infinitum
>I'm just going to use to pay next year's boat dockage put-in/haul out fees anyways.
the cycle of (((money)))
$$$ --> jews --> $$$ --> jews --> ad infinitum
boats and hoes tho.
I guess I'm just supposed to live in poverty because reasons.
boats and hoes tho.
I guess I'm just supposed to live in poverty because reasons.