I invaded your site when voat got shut down so I do not believe anything I say should have any value. I do however believe that this new group of invaders might benefit from taking the Jew pill before being let in.
Welcome Redditors! Please don't hesitate to ask questions, we will be happy to provide answers.
Make an Introduction or lurk, it's your choice. Be warned Poal only allows downvotes for off-topic posts. Only the feds are allowed to decide what cannot be said.
I suggest you lurk for awhile, because the language of the free is likely not something you are accustomed to. Feel free to call out posts with no sauce, but be prepared to be called a 'sweet summer child' at first, because many things are known now to us that are apparently still unknown to the likes of the reddit / iTunes / Bernie Sanders crowd.
All that said, you are a lot of people, and mostly in a similar situation, living at the whim and behest of a marginal few with all the power.
All we want is the freedom to live our lives among our kin, under our own laws, as does everyone.
Operation Name The Jew is a go.
Gas at will
Oh boy.....this should be interesting....
Are all the WSB mini-mods this cucked?
Unless the admins save us
lol no, they're already working with the feds to give them every bit of data they could ever want so they can charge redditfaggots with crimes and take all their gamestop bux
The moderator zjz has a subreddit (wallstreetbetstest) where lots of pissed off users are gathering.
Top post: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbetstest/comments/lc7ibu/stop_the_steal_freewsb/
(post is archived)