Projected narrative by control freaks is rather obvious. What they are (((not))) reporting is the question that requires common sense.
Certainly, and I'm not knowledgeable about the stock market so I'm hoping someone here can fill us in. I read lots of speculations, not sure who to believe (like usual).
Think of controlled narrative as deflection used as fear porn. Mass mind control is how to rig a global market. Free market requires equal justice, since Pay to Play is legal for some we are now a controlled market here in the States. The greatest strength of monopolies is a controlled market under a rigged justice system. Bentio Mussolini would be proud. His Nationalized Industry only protected the Italian mob. Same with Germany's Union controlled Industry and Public Servant collectives. All run by organized Labor enforcers using Blackmail and Bribery to keep the "workers" inline. Hell, Adolph gave his Union loyalist Brown shirts while Benito dressed his Guild and Unionist servants in snazzy Black shirts. And now history repeats.
(post is archived)