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[–] 22 pts

I miss voat. This site is generally more cucked but I still like it

[–] 10 pts

Yeah this place is decent but Voat was something special. Something about voat was just spicier

[–] 6 pts

It was a distinct and peculiar mass-movement from McReddit, at least for me. I forget exactly what McReddit did, but I'm sure it was censorship related. Fucking soy pumped cucks. Anyways, Voat was just an absolute breath of fresh air; though the air was recirculated from a sealed room of gassy crack whores and smoked out glowniggers, it was still something that was new and sorely needed.

[–] 5 pts

It probably was the banning/quarantining of fat people hate or the Donald.

[–] 2 pts

Probably the banning of r/GreatAwakening. That's when I joined Voat.

[–] 5 pts

Why do you feel it is more cucked here?

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Some people here think black people are actually people.

[–] 4 pts

You should look into Thomas Sowell.

I ain't about to say all of them are people, just like your average "gender fluid" pink dyed hair daddy issues nu-generation but there are rare exceptions.

[–] 0 pt

It seems as if it’s either “fuck the jews” or “fuck the niggers”. Not both, or some third option.

[–] 1 pt

Mods moving posts they don't like for one. Voat never had that shit.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Have you been to voat.xyz? It's a reboot or something.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Keep meaning to. How is it? I love that this site works well and dev is really active but I've been seeing a lot of boomer facebook shit here lately.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

It's definitely voaty! But I am wary of who might be behind it these days. I will probably lurk without making an account until I know more.

I don't post much anyway, so lurking is no big deal.

[–] 1 pt

It works at least as well as here. It's actually odd because, unlike first Voat, it isn't down every other day. I'm still not sure who is running it, but they're active and make regular updates to how the system works. Downvotes aren't illegal there, so that's a plus. It feels a bit more like old Voat than here, so just check it out.

[–] 1 pt

That shit is an obvious FBI Honeypot. Fuck off.

[–] 1 pt

Technology is so far along that nothing on the Internet isnt.

[–] 3 pts

Man, ya'll are giving me feels.

I used to go to Voat, but holy shit, people there couldn't give it a fucking rest. They were always acting like assholes. Poal, I find, is much more friendly, and welcoming, despite the whole "Heil Hitla" thing. What annoyed me was, the users on Voat constantly talked about their free speech, but were complete fucking hypocrites about it. I know there were exceptions, and Atko, and Puttitout were cool dudes, but most people there were just unbearable. It was alt-right reddit.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

It was alt-right reddit


Jews label ALL free speech as "alt-right" speech

In USA there is no such thing as "right wing" as that term for 500 years is a european term meaning "one who supports the Church (Papacy) and Monarchs)

USA has no monarchs to support and of course is not totally controlled by Catholics.

The equivalent term for "right wing" in USA is "CONSERVATIVE"

LEFT WING in USA is the Democrat party : the party that in 1921 was over 99% of the 2 million members of the KKK.

LEFT WING in USA is the Democrat party : the party that in 1930s created Eugenics movement and socialism

LEFT WING is socialists, the same that the NAZIs were in their 1932 pillars : free health care, control over banks and private property, welfare, land siezure, etc. DEMOCRATS are NAZIS.

Conservatives value freedom, free speech, the US constitution, and capitalism.

Jews value banning free speech, destroying the US constitution, and socialism.

(i did not downvote you, but your kiking is enraging free speech lovers here)

[–] 0 pt

Don’t worry, I downvoted em.

[–] 0 pt

The only people who use "alt-right" as a derogatory term are sheltered reddit leftists. You are going to find that in the real world the vast majority of people disagree with globohomo agendas (LGBT, feminism, racial equity etc). They are anything from conservatives to libertarians to national socialists to neo-reactionaries to objectivists and even some leftists. Poal really resembles what free discussion looks like in the real world without fear of censorship or depersoning. If that offends you then you have plenty of establishment-approved pozzed sites to post on.

[–] 0 pt

despite the whole "Heil Hitla" thing

Fuck off and die you communist scum.

[–] 0 pt

I loved voat when i first went there (fph ban) but soon 90% of the comment were "I got drunk and woke up with shit in my pants b/c of the jews"

ANYONE who disagreed with voat hivemind was immediately dv'd, but anyone who just made "da jooze is bad" comments got 6 gorillion upgoats and then could say whatever they wanted. And then you'd see people asking for a source for some redonk claim and they'd have 35 dvs, or people would get dv'd for saying "thank you" ... manors is one of the things that sets us apart from the shitskins. the shills would deflect from this by saying "muh' care about internet points" but clearly THEY cared about them because they had given 3,500,001 upgoats specifically so they could have 3,500,000 downgoats. Hella fucking toxic.

I never once downvoted on vote (along with Sir_Erbal and like... 2 others) because it was so fucking abused.

Even poal is more one-note than i'd like, but it's 30x more diverse (with respect to opinions/viewpoints... i know the left tainted that word) than old voat.