How much do you spend on streaming services each month?
A big ZERO
There's nothing worth paying for. Independent videos and podcasts are pretty good.
I also don't pay $69 for internet. I'm one of those pains that get the $29 promo for a year. I mark my calendar with my promo end date, call the CSR and try to negotiate a better rate. That usually fails, so I call the next provider and get their $29 promo for a year, repeat.
I give $8 a month to SomaFM because I like the service. It's not a requirement, I just appreciate the service.
SomaFM is great, can relate. And it even works just fine through free radiostations in your favorite player! I hope it doesn't go route though.
I run them through both my phone to the car when travelling, and through an ancient squeezebox system here in the house.
I'll check it out. Thanks!