Fuck cable and fuck streaming services. I'll take my free roku channel and books.
Fuck cable and fuck streaming services. I'll take my free roku channel and books.
Gotta admit, Roku brings a lot to the table on the free.
Did you know you can access it all on your phone and on your computer's web browser as well?
I'm not saying anyone should be rotting their brain watching jew nonsense, but we are all human and I do enjoy classic bob barker price is right in the background.
Gotta admit, Roku brings a lot to the table on the free.
Did you know you can access it all on your phone and on your computer's web browser as well?
I'm not saying anyone should be rotting their brain watching jew nonsense, but we are all human and I do enjoy classic bob barker price is right in the background.
I don't keep anything on my 'listening device' beyond music, crosswords and sudoku.
That said, I dig roku, I have zero complaints. They update contents regularly, I find, and even if they don't, I like watching leave it to beaver sometimes, haha
I don't keep anything on my 'listening device' beyond music, crosswords and sudoku.
That said, I dig roku, I have zero complaints. They update contents regularly, I find, and even if they don't, I like watching leave it to beaver sometimes, haha