Yes. But it doesn't matter. Google used to be the good guys as well. Individuals can be good and value integrity or morals over profits, but no matter how righteous a person is they will eventually pass their holdings on to others who will immediately turn it into an evil and abused power token.
Sam Walton was a good dude. Look at what his kids did.
So yeah I can believe a person about their reasons and still feel like it's a bad idea in the long run.
Nope. Google was always started controlled and funded by CIA Jewish Bolsheviks.
Just like facebook.
Both are DARPA programs.
Most tech companies are DARPA programs.
Jewish programs.
I thought man bear pig invented the internet
You are correct. Google was always Jewish. Almost all tech companies are. Reddit is majority owned by Advance Publications; Jew owned and headquartered at Larry Silversteins One WTC.
Almost all tech companies are.
Man, it's almost like that was the reason for the first crash
If you control the tap to the currency, you can make or break companies. You will always win by the definition of being at the tap. This central banking system has propped up every company it wants and destroyed companies when it wanted. They control the flow. Tesla lost money, had to front a lot of money, deals which at a minimum had approval from the globalist. Musk is in China too. He shuts the fuck up there. He doesn't need consent of the governed, he has the approval of the ccp globalists. In the west he takes a different tact. He is installing chains everywhere and they are not going to fucking tell you. All supported by the flow of currency. You cannot have genuine competition in this environment.
This is, in my opinion, the true definition of “capitalism”.
CAPITALism is a series of modern “generals” (banks) with armies of dollars. What they point their wand at grows. What they refuse to point their wand at dies. With this trick they are able to guide the development of human society in the manner and direction they most wish.
But there is still always a consequence at hastening the flow of nature. And pointing a wand of capital magic and forcing the world around it to increase (artificially) always comes with consequences that will need to be paid off, by society. well into the future.
Honestly I don’t care because whoever takes over after Musk couldn’t possibly be worse than the people running twitter now.
And even though trump is controlled it would be great to see him back on Twitter.
you have no imagination
jews looking to refill their coffers after such a massive purchase?
Google used to be the good guys as well.
That was simply theater. Both Google's and Facebook's funding came directly from the CIA's VC funding group.
Google and Facebook have always been CIA companies. Google literally has CIA agents as executives within the company.
I don't think many realize or remember the "made in america" motto and push of Sam's. The inverse, the amount of small businesses that a Walmart would put of of business when it moved in.
I remember when Walmart started and began expanding. They made things here, they paid well, offered lower prices on most items due to their vertical integration, and they offered access to items you couldn't get in smaller communities easily. It wasn't until they became larger and Sam wasn't at the helm that it shifted into being the bad guys.
Funny enough, now that Amazon exists Walmart is the (relatively speaking) good guys again. At least they provide jobs in a local community.
God help us if Walmart and Amazon ever merge.
Go to Bentonville Arkansas and ask the locals about Sam Walton. He was a jew, he'd invite you to breakfast and would expect you to pay. He also had a private hangar he'd fly to in Kansas? Where he'd cheat on his wife with some famous actress. He got all his money through marriage, and his drug addict children are the result of a broken home.
There's a good reason to push in favor of a functioning democracy. In the long run, it allows free enterprise to function. I think Musk gets that.
(post is archived)