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[–] [Sticky] 7 pts (edited )

EDIT: Read the comments below to learn who Kape was and currently is.

Kape - About Us (Investors and Privacy)

Mission Statement - Privacy Makes Us Different

Since time immemorial, the right to privacy has been the bedrock of our society. Backed by the power of privacy, people have conquered empires, created nations, art, and democracies. Privacy is a gift that has given people the innate ability to have freedom of thought, expression, and action. Privacy affords everyone a fair share of the narrative.

Throughout history, there have been attempts to withhold the right to privacy from different parts of society; but now more than ever, we see that privacy for the majority of individuals is greatly endangered.

In today's world, when a fair share of our thoughts, conversations and actions are all taking place in the digital sphere, these aspects of our privacy are in dire need of constant protection. Blind mechanisms are needed to continually guard our pockets of privacy.

Our mission is to ensure that every individual has a private sphere, a digital room of one's own, bringing control back to individuals in an age where privacy has been controlled by a privileged few.

To achieve this mission, we believe that an organisation, such as ours, which exists to fight for privacy must adhere to certain guiding principles:

Our Guiding Principles

  1. Zero Secrecy - openness as a guiding force - we believe that an organisation cannot ensure privacy for others without being open and transparent itself.

  2. Zero Reliance - we remove the need for you to trust anyone with your personal data by ensuring no one has it, including ourselves.

  3. Zero Data - sanctity of personal data - we believe each individual owns his own data therefore we will never store or attempt to sell what does not belong to us.

  4. 100% Customer first - we believe that all decisions should be made with the end user in mind, while maintaining profit as well as building a sustainable balance between social, environmental and economic profit.

  5. Zero Theater - what you see is what you get, we tell it as it is and deliver on what we promise to achieve.

  6. Zero Tier - net neutrality - we believe that all connections and data should be treated equally and without manipulation.

  7. 100% Honesty - we will say it as we see it, straightforward and direct.

  8. Zero Sidelining - life purpose - this is not a passing phase, this is our mission and we are determined to stick to it and overcome any obstacles which comes our way.

These are the 8 binding principles to which we adhere.

What changed in that page for the past 3 years:

Kape's vision is to provide consumers’ online autonomy to ensure a secure yet accessible personal digital experience. Kape has a team of 300 highly experienced individuals across eight global locations: United Kingdom, Israel, Germany, Romania, France, The Philippines, Cyprus and Isle of Man.

That part was removed in the updated versions below:

Kape is a leading ‘privacy-first’ digital security software provider to consumers. Through its range of privacy and security products, Kape focusses on protecting consumers and their personal data as they go about their daily digital lives. To date, Kape has millions of paying subscribers, supported by a team of over 350 people across eight locations worldwide. Kape has a proven track record of revenue and EBITDA growth, underpinned by a strong business model which leverages our digital marketing expertise. Through our subscription based platform, Kape has fast established a highly scalable SaaS-based operating model, geared towards capitalising on the vast global consumer digital privacy market.

That part was added in the updated version below:

[–] 12 pts

Don't trust VPN providers. They can make a shit load more money by selling your data.

In most countries, VPN providers are required by law to log user traffic via a VPN. If you've paid for your VPN with anything tracable (cash, credit, etc.) you're tying your personal ID to your VPN activity.

You've been warned.

[–] 5 pts

I can't agree more.

My comment is specifically about showing what changes they did (removed countries in the list of "experienced individuals").

[–] 3 pts

oh I know.

My comment was for others to read, following yours

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Don't trust VPN providers

NOT true for this one specific expensive VPN.

ExpressVPN was the best. Was.

It (ExpressVPN) had no control by USA/NSA it was 100% owned by named Chinese Nationals and safe from prying eyes by feds (CIA/ NSA/ NRO/ FBI/ DIA/ USDOJ/ State Dept INR/ USAFISR/ DOE/ DHS/ TFI/ ONSI/ NSF/ USPS) and run outside of INTERPOL control in Caribbean. Only China conceivably could tamper with ExpressVPN.

Unlike competitor paid VPNs :

  • ExpressVPN never kept any connection logs, and never once shows up in Federal US court proceedings documents [MOSSAD will change this starting now]. Not showing up in federal court proceedings ever is important to true privacy fanatics like me.

  • ExpressVPN never got hacked by large entities (NordVPN and many others had their servers infiltrated for months)

  • ExpressVPN never required mandatory software installation, you could laboriously set up a VPN using scripts and settings on Mac and Linux etc if desired.

  • ExpressVPN used VISA cash paid "vanilla style" cards and deliberately did not require the pre-paid cards to be affixed with a zip code registration. No VPN I know allowed that in 2021. It meant that they floated service without a 80 cent merchant lookup prior, and just hoped billing would go through.

  • ExpressVPN was fastest VPN, by far, and had hundreds of exit points, many with refreshed top tier colocation IPs, if truly paranoid you could exit their offshore in-house machines

I now will have a very hard time vetting and choosing a VPN recommendation for others.

Amusingly people like me are "beyond VPNS" and mostly utilize infiltrated and compromised home router exit points , and nearly "open" WIFI , within a state but not crossing state borders, within a single state, to not "stick out"

[–] 3 pts

If you've paid for your VPN with anything tracable

It is much worse than this. A VPN always knows who you are... or at least has the critical piece of data that can unmask you. They know your true originating IP address. If you pay in say, bitcoin, they may not have your credit cared info but all you have done is make it a two step look up rather than a one step look up.

[–] 1 pt

Get a VPN.

Have your entire family use it.

Good luck proving individual anything with that degree of obfuscation.

[–] 2 pts

There are decentralized VPNs now. You won't even have to trust a provider because anyone can run a node and those running nodes can't look at your data. Use sentinel.co

[–] 2 pts

Bro I found this out first hand. Now i know im stupid. But I got express vpn. Shouldn’t have used any real information. Should have used Bitcoin. But I didn’t. Now my email Is spammed. With bullshit. It was night and day the amount of spam I got before getting express was virtually 0 and after I get several a day. It sucks and there’s no way to fix it. It should be illegal or something. Selling information. They should give you the option. Ask me, can we sell your information and give you a cut of the profits. Maybe then I’d say yea. Making money off everyone and you don’t even see anything from it except bullshit

[–] 2 pts

Did they at least have the decency to send you dick pics? There should at least be a few male enhancement ads in the spam somewhere, there always is.

[–] 5 pts

It's too late for most adults, but STOP USING YOUR REAL NAME on anything, at all.

John Smith. Jane Smith. Jose Garcia. Maria Garcia. Birthday ALWAYS incorrect. Vitals always incorrect.

When you apply for jobs DO NOT USE YOUR REAL NAME. Use your real first name but a common last name. Work it out with HR, later. Blame a stalker.

Every online form you fill out is so that someone can sell the data from that form. Even if the creator of the form doesn't intend for it to be used this way, your Internet activity is being spied upon by literally every major company and every major state actor. "Marketing data" is not considered private, even though, legally, it should be. First, they spy on you to market at you better, and when the tech is working, it is turned over to the intelligence community, which has become monolithic, in nature.

A VPN is useless, anyways, because your device details are available to anything you connect to. Your device will betray you, even if you have everything on lock down.

Use USED devices. From pawn shops. PHYSICALLY DISABLE all necessary antennaes; GPS, bluetooth, ANT, etc. Physically disable cameras. Physically disable the microphone. Use the jack and a headset for your microphone, so you can physically remove your external mic from the circuit. Literally everyone is listening, now, and your words are being transcribed into text.

Go make a fake EU residency card and apply to Google for your "Right to be forgotten."

Use an Internet subscription in someone else's name.

Use a cell phone is someone else's name. You can use a stripped down device and call forwarding to make it an absolute headache for even advanced trackers to figure out who you are. Never call out from your own number. Only call out from burner numbers on your stripped down device. There are many apps that give free numbers. Call out from your rotating burners. Forward your calls from your real phone to these numbers.

Use old accounts that have been abandoned by other people, then change the passwords. The AntiPublic leak and more recent ones have a plethora of usernames and passwords you can abscond with so that you always appear to be someone else.

Emails are, in no way, shape or form, private. Anyone can read them and see the relevant header data. The only safe way to use email is through one time burner accounts. It makes you impossible to subpoena. It makes you a real pain in the ass to track your communications.

Avoid cameras on your devices. They are able to assess your intelligence very accurately. Combined with your words, machine learning technology is tailoring media at you, specifically, to bring you to the desired "government approved" personal identity. They are "patterning" your minds and it works far better than you would like to think.

When online posting, use a 10 to 1 copy paste ratio. Meaning, if you are making a strong point in one place, be sure to copy/paste weak, completely different topics and viewpoints in other posts to make you a moving target. Just copy paste from other users who are wildly different.

Best advice of all: Abandon the use of devices as much as humanly possible. You will be happier and more grounded, as a result.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt

None of these recommendations are necessary for normal and good people in the world that aren't paranoid schizophrenic.

[–] 3 pts

Why should I care about these new laws I follow the law.. why do I car e about security cameras I'm a good citezen...

Eat your grass sheople and like it!

You sound like a fucking idiot

[–] 0 pt

Calling people crazy is a Mossad tactic.

Kill yourself.

[–] 3 pts


The issue is who he sold it to -- the notorious creator of some pernicious data-huffing ad-ware, Crossrider. The UK-based company was cofounded by an ex-Israeli surveillance agent and a billionaire previously convicted of insider trading who was later named in the Panama Papers. It produced software which previously allowed third-party developers to hijack users' browsers via malware injection, redirect traffic to advertisers and slurp up private data.

This really sucks, since I pay by the year and have more than half a year left on my account.

Crossrider changed its name to Kape Technologies PLC in 2018, in CEO Ido Erlichman's words, to escape the "strong association to the past activities of the company."

[–] 0 pt

I use mullvad on recommendation from torrentfreak.