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[–] 7 pts 3y

Back when those CIA tools were leaked it showed that they had the ability to place files on a computer without any signs of an intrusion. I had told someone at work years back that the ultimate way to take someone down is to advise them off being a pedophile because nobody wants to defend a pedo and the accusations become enough to destroy someone's life

[–] 3 pts 3y

And that's just one of the reasons it's such a beloved way of turning someone into a criminal. It's also quick and easy to do compared to planting something like drugs or explosives because it can be done wirelessly, there's no risk to them of being seen planting it, and copies of the evidence are illegal to possess.

[–] 0 pt 3y

and copies of the evidence are illegal to possess.

Damn good point.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

because nobody wants to defend a pedo

I guess you missed the whole 2020 election cycle with democrats directly defending Joe being a pedo

[–] 2 pts 3y

I run a "cloud" server at home that I keep all my shit on. Afraid of this happening to me one day due to all my shitposting. Even though I don't use my name, I doubt it's hard for them to figure out who you are with browser fingerprinting and trackers.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I've been shitposting for 20 years in the free and clear, they don't give a fuck about us. If you start gaining support as a political actor, that's another story, though.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Nigger even with a vpn youre fucked. Your modem has timestamps and they can see the exact time you do anything realtime via streaming databases like neo4j

[–] 1 pt 3y

We must become aware ("woke", if I dare use that word) to the proven fact that images and textual information can be remotely placed on ANY connected device. It is trivial for knowledgeable actors to place images onto wither an Apple or Android device, and any computer. The FBI possesses the world's largest data bank of child pornography -- estimated at over one Petabyte in size. Considering how corrupt and venial the Feebs are (and always have been), do you think for a moment that they would hesitate to implant incriminating images and messages on a device in order to cement their "case" against a person?

There are many ways and means those who are proficient in technology to prevent this insertion, but it requires constant vigilance on an hourly basis.

If you or your loved ones are even remotely targeted by the feebs, the only possibility to save yourselves is to immediately destroy ALL electronic devices capable of receiving electronic data. Destroy, as in smashing and scattering the parts as far apart as possible. Even that may not be enough to save you, since the feebs can miraculously "find" a device which you "own" and create the farrago of lies from the Whole Cloth.

Remember, as far as the federal, state and local law enforcement are concerned, you are always guilty. There is no such thing in Amuuurica as "innocent until proven guilty".

[–] 5 pts 3y (edited 3y)

Destroy, as in smashing and scattering the parts as far apart as possible. Even that may not be enough to save you

"Our scanner found illicit images on your device, and now you've destroyed it. Spoliation of evidence."



[–] 1 pt 3y

Even if you don't own anything that can host CP, I don't see why they wouldn't just claim that some phone full of raunchy hardcore material belonged to you.

[–] 2 pts 3y

They can just put one in your home when they search through it, or even pretend to have found one; they don't care.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Does wiping your server with - like, bleach…. Count?

[–] 0 pt 3y

I knew they planted those fucking images I’m glad someone else thinks so also.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I am pretty sure he was later exonerated. Of course that was after the war....

[–] 0 pt 3y

Was he? I just remember him on all the Sunday shows saying there’s no wmds. And they tried to discredit him with getting money to write his book from Saddam and that didn’t work.

Then he became a pedophile, like really, this guy is knows he’s being micro surveilled by every agency in the US and he’s going to download CP, no way and it took them all these years to catch him just as he’s speaking out against starting a war.

Then nothing found, they were mobile labs, that fell apart. Now if you search you can find a stack a few feet high of corroded uses artillery shells that were dug up from the desert from when Iran and Iraq with using them.

Wow unexploded buried shells deep in the sand, like that never happens.

Then I knew I had been fighting for nothing when the pentagon released its white paper claiming their were X trillions of minerals in Afghanistan just waiting to be mined. Never mind the protection of the poppy lords.

WTF, the last thing on the pentagons mind should be mineral value of a country, if it had come from an independent company it wouldn’t have raised red flags to people. Normies didn’t get it.

[–] 0 pt 3y

People are communicating outside of social media. They want to see who and what is being required outside of the domains they censor.

This has nothing to do with their stated purpose. It's an excuse.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Wtf are people supposed to do? Own no electronics? And who has this happened to? Surely a few prominent people would be prosecuted for child porn who would say they had no idea how it got on their device?