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[–] 0 pt (edited )

Crypto was designed to counter govercvnts though.

Crypto was designed by jews (((Chaum, Freedman, et al))), incubated at the NSA (e.g. this paper from 1996 (digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu) ), and outcompeted other coins by being the cash-de-jour on the FBI run Silkroad site.

You've literally only heard of crypto because, instead of shutting down the Silk Road like any normie might expect, the FBI instead ran it for TWO YEARS, while the jewish-run media mouthpieces taught you about both crypto and the Silkroad to increase the usage of both (usually through 'negative press').


To recap, crypto was a joint effort of jews, the NSA, and the FBI. Please explain how it was designed the counter the government, and where in the world you got such a retarded idea.