Its always suspicious when a new format just magically gets accepted and pushed every where. Fucking jewoogle.
Damn, seems like whoever is behind this is using meme culture to their advantage. Cunts.
Thanks for the warning.
I've been calling out those sharing that Joogle's 3 letter agencies trojan.
I always knew it was up to no good.
Does this affect linux platforms?
I haven't checked but it could be if crApple is using ImageIO in Webkit.
i guess i'm a retard when it comes to this tech stuff. would anyone care to explain this to non techlords.. or tell me who is at risk and what is the risk involved here???
A webp image that contains a payload could execute some malicious code on the device it has been loaded on.
and all we would have to do is just click the link? is there anyway to know if i have their malware on my pc?
and all we would have to do is just click the link?
That's correct. The image needs to be loaded (won't probably even display anything) to execute its payload.
is there anyway to know if i have their malware on my pc?
Malwarebytes, maybe?
I'm not using Windows outside a VM, so I'm not too concerned about it since I can restore a clean snapshot in seconds.
Or if the vulnerability fix would be available on non big sur OS? Lots of people are still holding out updating to big Sur because still kind of new and not as stable yet...
Previous macOS versions should be immune (OS/Safari) since there's no webp/webm support.
The vulnerability resides in the browsers that support it.
Thank you for that info.
So catbox got raided?
@picman also fixed an issue with grabbing the catbox url (one of the hosts)
Hey picman, can you disable .webp uploads and add an auto-redirect rule (for the current webp links) to a text image saying that webp is disabled?
sure thing (disabling webp uploads and removing the webp images in the db)
Catbox has been disabled on pic8 permanently
and removing the webp images in the db
Ok, so I can do the same on poal then (replace all webp links with that pic8 png image link). No need for a redirect on your side.
The alert says it only affects Apple. But, just to be cautious, does anyone have suggestions on best way to check a Linux install for possible malware? I know the ultimate solution to that is a fresh install, but I have this one highly customized and really don't want to start over if I don't have to.
Thank you. Got the addon.
Did you know you can run Linux on Apple hardware?
I don’t have crApple hardware.
The attack vector can also be spread through a .webp file renamed as .jpg
I'm also a bit of a computer dummy. Are you saying that if the file is converted to jpeg format (using xnview or similar program) it can still contain the attack vector?
Just replace the .webp extension to .jpg and the browser will still load it.
Ok, I get it. It's spread through the browser by clicking on the link (so it doesn't matter what webp images I've saved from the internet). I just need to re-install my OS and disable webp support.
And of course there's no way to disable only webp support from webkit based browsers such as chromium or brave...
I guess everyone's stuck with firefox
Better safe than sorry. That's why I use several VM for online and dev related stuff. Restoring a snapshot can easily fix that kind of issue in seconds (M.2 SSD).
Hey I've noticed that this incorrectly flags links to pictures if there's a period at the end of the sentence, e.g.
gets flagged.
Was this caused by the update the day before yesterday?
Which one?
Apple pushed two security updates to me. First to Safari, then to the System.
Check out if they are related to ImageIO.
Thanks fagguete
You're welcome, faguette.
(post is archived)