I stopped watching him years ago. The channel always had a really unpleasant bugman vibe to it even long before their inevitable globohomo reveal. The presenters are all such soyboys, they are all cultureless consumerists, Linus himself is a typical beta buxxer with an asian wife and ugly kids. Then that fat disgusting slob Anthony comes along and they have to shove his repulsive face into every video, with their bugman viewers falling over each other to praise their forward-thinking and lack of body-shaming.
That channel is the consumeproduct meme in a nutshell, I can't believe I ever watched it. It seems like the tech industry being so full of beta males is inevitably always going to drift towards leftism and nihilism.
Edit, the fat fuck is on even more channels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7DP4BouzT4
It's like they know their audience relates to him, like how fat beta communists relate to Vaush. One must have no self-awareness to watch these people and value their opinions.
He’s married to a bugwoman
Okay, I'm stealing this. I'm calling asians bugs from now on, this is great. They really look and behave like bugs.
I strongly implore you to reconsider.(hooktube.com)
They act like a soulless collective so I don't see any problem with treating them like the bugs they are.
I had a based chemistry PhD bud (Belgian) who called them anything from "ants" to "the hive" or "the collective." It's a spot on comparison.
Women already have that term as locked down as soyboys have the bugman term locked down.
I'm glad you brought up anthony because I absolutely HATE how revolting that slovenly greasy oversized maggot is! He's like the most unpresentable thing I've ever seen on a tech video channel. In some videos he has two long strands of hair that fall to each side of his oily face, making him look like an actual insect. I don't ever watch any videos he's in because of how repulsive he is. Holy shit man, just because you know a lot about tech doesn't mean you have to be the epitome of the obese computer nerd stereotype. Tech knowledge and tidyness are not mutually exclusive. There are plenty of people in the tech community that are knowledgeable and are in shape. Optimum Tech for example did competitive lifting, then there's Jay 2 Cents who used to be a fat fuck but lost it all through diet and exercise. Hell, he could ask that race traitor cuck boss linus on how he remains skinny. Maybe start with that.
Couldn't agree more. I think he was the last straw for me. I don't think nerds and bugmen are the same thing, these hosts are bugmen, they almost take pride in their degeneracy and I wouldn't be surprised if they think self-improvement and personal responsibility are "fascist". Like you point out, there's nothing preventing a nerd from being in good physical condition and indeed I know in competitive esports generally they take a lot more care of their image and health than in the general bugman population.
just because you know a lot about tech
He doesn't really. His Linux knowledge is about average. The guy has probably never built a Linux From Scratch distro, done true embedded programming, or worked with anything that really deep dives into the internals of systems programming. There have been a few times where he seems to have some insights, but I'm sure I could fly circles around him as far as actual programming and Linux skills.
Also he's a fat unhealthy fuck.
I'll take your word for it since you sound like you know what you're talking about. So basically this guy is just all around loser lol. I wonder where he'd be had he not been working for linus. Maybe stuck in a dinky IT office in the basement of some soulless corporation never to see the light of day?
Anthony is alright in my book. He got them to do a video on Temple OS - https://youtu.be/LtlyeDAJR7A
That video predictably skirts around Terry A Davis and doesn't even give proper credit for the scale of the programming achievement.
I have HUGE respect for Terry. Temple OS is a remarkable achievement imho.
I could have sworne I remember someone in another thread about Linus saying that Anthony is a furry.
this video smells like a hairy gay butthole
He's fucking hideous.
There isn't one normal person working for Linus. They're all full of cringe.
I was popping a pimple on my neck when I clicked this link and it was less disgusting than that picture.
Great summary.
(post is archived)