not tech related, but did you see the trailer park boys( pushing for the vaxx?
it's fucking disgusting.
something about canadians being nanny state loving faggots just seems to go hand and hand.
Who would have thought a show designed to push the 'ignorant white redneck' stereotype would be cucked all to hell?
The creator sold his interest in the show to the 3 stars, then went on to make Black Jesus with the creator of Boondocks.
Yeah man major bummer I made a post about It a while back.
It's one reason I watch a lot of Viva Frei (he's cross-posts to Rumble and was one of their first livestream beta users). He's a Canadian who is actually pissed off about Canada's human rights abuses during COVID and has done some great coverage of the protests in Montreal and the pastors who were arrested for simply conducting services.
I watch Viva too. But, just out of curiosity, do you get the vibe that he is a jew?
Something is a bit off about him, he has a high facility for language and argumentation but low facility for conflict, leadership and understanding what he doesn't understand.
I'm curious if your jewdar is lighting up.
(post is archived)