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ALTERNATIVE SITES to replace the dead Live Leak

https://crazy<<REMOVE THIS>>shit.com/ (fix link to crazyshit dot com, Poal CENSORS mentioning crazyshit)
https://d.tube/ [TAME]
https://www.insanee.com/ [TAME]
https://www.myvidster.com [TAME]
https://DeathAddict.co/videos [need account]
https://www.bestgore.com/ [DEAD now] https://www.kaotic.com/ [GORE]

mixed bag of good stuff , old and new mixed together :

lbry.tv is jewed and end of lifed by their admins and closing all LBRY accounts. refer : https://lbry.tv refer : https://archive.is/roCu8

BitChute is mostly jewed and circling the drain as it becomes a youtube clone.

Why do (((banks))) keep shutting down free speech?

Who is behind the banks deplatforming LiveLeak.com ?

EDIT : marked famous "bestgore.com" as dead now

https://twitter.com/liveleak/status/1389932706474205186 https://www.itemfix.com/ll **ALTERNATIVE SITES to replace the dead Live Leak** ============= https://theync.com/most-recent/ https://leakreality.com/ http://www.deathtube.net/ https://crazy<<REMOVE THIS>>shit.com/ (fix link to crazyshit dot com, **Poal CENSORS mentioning crazyshit**) https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/ https://goregrish.com/ https://hoodsite.com https://NDTV.com/topic/shocking-video https://vidmax.com/ https://www.documentingreality.com/forum/ https://d.tube/ [TAME] https://www.insanee.com/ [TAME] https://www.myvidster.com [TAME] https://DeathAddict.co/videos [need account] https://www.bestgore.com/ [DEAD now] https://www.kaotic.com/ [GORE] mixed bag of good stuff , old and new mixed together : https://worldtruthvideos.org/ https://goyimtv.tv/ https://vid8.poal.co/ lbry.tv is jewed and end of lifed by their admins and closing all LBRY accounts. refer : https://lbry.tv refer : https://archive.is/roCu8 BitChute is mostly jewed and circling the drain as it becomes a youtube clone. **Why do (((banks))) keep shutting down free speech?** Who is behind the banks deplatforming LiveLeak.com ? EDIT : marked famous "bestgore.com" as dead now

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

You misremembered and are 100% incorrect. Name whom upvoted whom from the same person. The upvotes of the shoahed posts were all 100% organic by very amused viewers, and ugamed.
You are a censoring person, which I can forgive depending on what you censor, but lying about facts is unforgivable. I do not like liars. You lied and have no supporting evidence and are trying to rewrite your sordid and shameful history.

The user Phucker only posted comments to annoy all your best users , relentlessly commenting like a fucktard paid agitant, so your "Phucker" muzzling is warranted , unless his account was being controlled by a college roommate for a day or so. Either way, when someone uses "remember me" login, and their account is used to shit post a torrent of shit comments, there are consequences for letting impish roommates control a poal.co login account.

But you also over censor...

Everytime a thread has a comment in the thread that annoys you, you move and shoah the ENTIRE thread to /memes, /censorship, or /shitpostsub. No genuine free speech site on the internet does that hiding. You even mark threads NSFW when they are not NSFW if they annoy Jews. If its a major +40 upvoat news article that annoys Jews, you move it to one of MANY non-front-page-eligible non-home-page-eligible subs with posts moved off /news , like /s/USPolitics ,/s/USNews, s/WorldNews, etc

Even 2 hours ago, you labelled my account with a "happy merchant" jew icon, which amuses me, considering 20% of all my prolific work here is anti-jew posts.

Are those the actions of a fair admin? no. no they are not.

You censor by moving away popular posts, even if they are at +66 in merely a few hours, by organic genuine upvotes.

I waste my time on 5 social sites, 10 or so casually, but you are making this particular site less appealing , to a minor degree, with your heavy hand at censoring the main landing page. One thing this site has above all others is technical competence at engineering and IT, and its uptime vs downtimes of all other sites. Its one hallmark of Poal.co being run and coded correctly. Maybe the others have scaling issues, maybe the others are DDOsed more. Who knows. Poal.co just provably seems the most reliable service. So I like poal, I dont hate poal.

[–] 3 pts

lol Keep lying to yourself, Shlomo. You’re not fooling anyone.

[–] 0 pt

It might be my Contrarian nature and dislike for any authority figure, whether it’s kings and presidents, police and thugs, or moderators on online forums, but I believe that you may, in fact, be a bit of an Arse.

[–] 0 pt

He is a faggot, but at least Poal exists.

[–] 0 pt

Im sorry about this. That guy is a petty asshole. You make great posts and comments. I love your links.

[–] 1 pt

Im sorry about this. That guy is a petty asshole. You make great posts and comments. I love your links.

Thanks... I was 51% thinking of laying off Poal (going away) for a few months or more, starting with a penultimate comment post prior to this, and your kind words mean a lot. Now my final post may or may not be this post for a while.

Now I am only 48% thinking of laying off Poal, because of your kind words. If this is the very last post ever from nil (me) then it means I still was too butthurt to bother staying. The main reason I stay is because on other sites, my posts are only 5% race baiting posts, and all informative, but here I amp up the "red pill" race baiting posts to about 40% of my total content out of black pill rage at the censoring I see here. My content is a repercussion push back. I normally am not a "niggers, jews, chink, spic" kind of guy. Its just that here, I get a profound sense that the admin(s) are in one of those racial categories so I tweak them with the factual content I post here for my own amusement, despite other sites having more potential viewers of my efforts.

The admins here do indeed censor so much that they occasionally make mistakes, then lie and fabricate unproven justifications for their mistakes at over-censoring. This admin will just not type "I am sorry I got confused" so now the admin tries hard to lie about facts of real events that really happened, by deluding himself with imaginary things. And he will never justify or prove his statements.

His biggest lie or fabrication is thinking everyone has alt accounts, and then banning people with similar looking names (with plural letters or underscores). People cant do that to "nil" because I picked a 3 letter name.

But if a novelty prankster created a account using "ni1" (ni "numeral one"), if numerals are allowed, for example, the agitated admin would soft ban the "ni1" guy AND my similar appearing "nil" account and then dig in heels with lies and fake justification. Its happened to others here in the past.

Collateral damage means nothing to the overzealous censoring admin.

Other sites with less censorship have far more daily activity and user participation, though not as well programmed sites. This site suffers from a little too much censoring. Ideally it would have no censoring except for porn. (Porn is how leftists contaminate a site to get free speech sites torn down, even if its free speech porn).

Ta Ta, for now!

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

[–] 0 pt

Voat.xyz is not to bad. The interface sucks though. Hope I continue to see you around because your comments are chock full of resources and you really are autism weaponized, guy.

[–] 0 pt
