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pic related.

it's a users email to the company.

pic related. it's a users email to the company.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

You will be logged out, and the only way to log in will be through chrome browser integration

Full refund time, then. I don’t use Chrome and never will. They can’t modify my contract of service without my permission, so if they attempt this with my hardware they’ll be refunding my remaining time with them.

[–] 0 pt

Considering the aggressive marketing I imagine this was the idea from the start, lose money on advertising/user acquistion then start ramping up the tracking.

[–] 0 pt

Update us when it happens, please. Curious of the timeline on this particular drag net as it squeezes in.

Clearly shows Nord is pozzed and now part of the alphabet collection for sure, if it wasn't before. Not intentionally even - unintentionally simply by capitulating to lazy software development and giving CIA-Alphabet-Jewgle the keys to the kingdom.

Evil is evil, intentional or otherwise.