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[–] 13 pts

What do you expect, the game maker already expended the enormous amount of resources to give the kid $16k worth of in-game powerups. They can't just get those back now. /s

File a dispute or just refuse to pay the card.

[–] 9 pts

I'd take it to court. No way that stands up as a legitimately incurred debt.

[–] 5 pts

Contract law is very finicky about minors and contracts. If it involves a minor, many contracts can be reversed and the court decides the best way to return both parties to their pre-contract state.

Edit: Grammar

[–] 1 pt

I wish I were convinced that courts work on the side of fairness. The principle you point out seems the obvious answer to this. The child had no actual right to make the charges, TOS be damned. But I can see Apple or the game maker arguing that "look we have no way of knowing who made the charges." That sounds bad, but how does an online merchant ever really know?

I would argue that the transaction is actually fraudulent, if intentionally so. Reverse the charges and let the aggrieved party go after the six year old.

[–] 12 pts

Are you American? A parent? Too lazy/distracted/preoccupied or just plain too high to pay attention to what your own kids are doing even when you’re in the same room as them? Well why not sue a large corporation for your own shortcomings as a parent? Don’t delay, call 1800-itssomeoneelsesfault today!

[–] 7 pts

When you are marketing something to kids, like kids games, you have a responsibility too.

[–] 8 pts

Yep. Encouraging kids to incur thousands of dollars of digital "debt" for fake items is absolute nonsense. They should be lucky to be merely told " you don't get to keep that money".

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

You're forgetting one important part to this equation:

Someone had to give this kid the money.

On top of that: why was he given a card with the ability to charge $16,000?

I don't feel bad for this kids parents at all. Let it be a good lesson to what happens when you don't pay attention to what your kids are doing online.

[–] 1 pt

They really don't...whoever owns that tablet (hint it can't be a minor) is on the hook and clicked yes to the TOS, while also handing her child an almost blank cheque (she did have to leave her credit card info in, right?)

[–] 0 pt

Tell that to the pro pedo cartoons

if it's the bartender's fault the customer leaves drunk and causes an accident then it must be the game company's fault...

[–] 2 pts

You don't think the credit card company/phone company bear any responsibility for this?

[–] 5 pts

No. She left her payment details on her device and her kid spent money. If a kid nicks their parent’s bank card and goes on a spending spree is the bank responsible for the parent’s failure to secure their own bank card? Same thing here.

[–] 3 pts

Their fraud department should have caught that.

[–] 0 pt

I guess it depends on the degree to which the OS made it clear the details would be retained and reused without any verification. Like if she actively turned on some feature which allowed "one click purchases" or something then ok, her fault. If it was some default thing then I think it's harder to argue she actually authorised any of this.

I do agree customers have some responsibility to secure their own payment credentials, but it goes both ways.

[–] 0 pt

Look into how things went when kids used to rack up phonebills dialing into internet or BBS

[–] 1 pt

Bit different imo in the sense that the subscriber to a phone service is knowingly incurring a debt for whatever calls are made, although I think the same argument could be made for those premium phone lines or long distance calls. Just saying "please ensure the billing party is aware you are making this call" isn't enough for me if I were on a jury.

In this case I doubt this woman knew buying an iphone meant giving her kid a blank check. She thought she was just going to have to pay for phone calls and text messages.

[–] 1 pt

Thank you brother for saying what should obviously be the top comment.

Try parenting your darn kids and taking them outside instead of letting them play 8 hours of Jew tube vid games per day.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I remember being a kid playing outside. We got into some serious shit. Parents just sent us outside to get us out of their hair. So ironically, this parent is likely a helicopter parent and had no idea their kid could get into so much trouble online in an app game.

My point: parents are clueless when self absorbed ass holes, they were back in the day 70's and are now. The narrative of kids not being seen as a blessing has been lost long ago.

[–] 3 pts

A "Helicopter parent" and someone who allows their kid to spend 16K on their tablet are not the same thing :) You have it correct how the "outdoor" kids of yore were often JUST as ignored and I know I could have (or maybe did?) 16 grand worth of damage as a youth.

Weird how there weren't kikes hiding in every bush outdoors waiting to trick you into spending all of your parents' money.

[–] 0 pt

I did say “taking them outside” for a reason.

I meant take your kids to the woods, teach them how to make a fire from scratch, how to fish, how to build something from wood, show them the coolest spots to commune with nature. Hard for kids to do damage when you are with them and encouraging them to explore the world along with you.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

You retards clearly don't understand how kikes operate. Society has never, and will never, ever, in a billion years, be exclusively composed of 180 IQ, ultra-aware people who never make mistakes, who are never mislead or conned, who are always on the ball 24/7.

I can only assume most of you idiots are lolberts, and that's why you have this "be perfect or you deserve to die" moron mentality. It's the exact mentality that leaves our culture/race so vulnerable to people who know how to exploit it. Good cultures prohibit predatory kikery from targeting normies and destroying their entire society.

You retards need to get off your rugged individualist high horse. Chances are this mom is just a normal, decent human being doing what she can in and increasingly fucked up world. She didn't realize that an innocent looking game for kids was designed to manipulate and con impressionable/impulsive people out of thousands of dollars.

The fact that you think the problem is with her and not the kikery, is exactly why our society is so kiked to begin with. Fucking brings my blood to a boil reading this idiocy, you fuckheads need a clue.

It reminds me of the Chinese mentality, where the victim of a con is shamed, instead of the conman. In their view, if you are dumb enough to get conned, you deserve to get conned.

[–] 1 pt

You’re a dipshit

[–] 0 pt

Exactly. It's the fault "mother"

[–] 0 pt

Thank you! The company probably should refund the money but the notion that they are evil and NO burden on responsability rests with the parent is BAD FOR KIDS (and bad for that parent). Maybe the notion that her kid's actions could gasp effect her financially will motivate her to pay attention.

[+] [deleted] 11 pts
[–] 5 pts

Good. Fuck you if you're just handing your kid a phone or tablet to keep them quiet.

[–] 1 pt

Even if you ARE doing that be smarter than this cunt

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

I want to be mad about her not being able to get her money back. But I also want to say fuck her for leaving her kid with unrestricted access to her cellphone

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

It's predatory trash, plain and simple. No pleb downloads a kids game thinking that there will be options to spend tens of thousands of dollars on nothing. This mom grew up in an era where you spend 60 dollars on a sonic game for SEGA Genesis and it's like 50 hours worth of replay value on one cartridge, no issues.

Oldfags aren't used to this new consumer era where kikes will try to kike you out of every single penny you have using any method possible.

[–] 0 pt

The idea that old people are averse to change is nonsense. The older you are the MORE you have had to see change and decide how to adapt to it (non adoption is adaption :)) It stemmed from a twisting of old people being averse to degeneracy (think of movies, TV, and music circa 30's-40's vs 60's and newer).

[–] 2 pts

$16 is a lot of beatin’. That kid is going to have an ass tougher than a manhole cover

[–] 2 pts

A 6 year old canNOT be sued for breach of contract. The answer is don't pay them anything. The contract was with a minor who stole the Credit Card. There's nothing Apple can do.

When I was a teenager a few of my friends figured this out and ordered $100s of music. Then they broke the contract b/c they were under 18 years of age. There was nothing the company could do about it. They made a contract with a minor who was using a stolen credit card (their parents') They were SOL.

[–] 1 pt

I had a long winded response then thought it out. There are sufficent protections. 60 day window. This bitch is retarded how do you not look at your CC for over 2 months. Guess you need to file police report on your 6 year old for CC fraud. Then you'll get your money back.

So you don't mind that our culture is absolutely dominated by predatory snake oil salesman kikes looking for any and all opportunities to fleece people of their money?

[–] 0 pt

Is there any part of life you feel people should bear responsibility for? My personal agency is worth way more than 16K fiat dollars and so is yours

Why don't you feel personally responsible for your culture being annihilated by kikes? Your "personal agency" isn't going to mean shit when society falls apart. I know you LARPers think you're tough rugged individualists but we all know that's complete bullshit. Individuals vs collectives = individuals lose, every single time.

[–] 0 pt

jews refuse to refund mother ...

Go through the bank. They're fraudulent transactions. Child is too young to be charged with a crime.

[–] 0 pt

Those were Catholics who didn't refund Mom.

[–] 0 pt

You have a pretty Catholic name there I hate to tell you, Mr. Guerin.

[–] 0 pt

He's a kike. Sadly he just made it off ignore and already with the loxism. There are too few ignore slots.

[–] 0 pt

No problem telling me that at all. I am definitely Catholic, born that way, I had nothing to say about it.

I am surprised though, that you knew it was a Catholic name. Never knew that myself, it was never mentioned, not even at Notre Dame high school, in Sherman Oaks, California, back in the fifties.

All this religious prejudice today is just a lot of horseshit among very stupid people, in my opinion.

You seem to be right on top of it, though. Nothing better to do?

[–] 0 pt

I know Apple's parental controls are crap and hard to find...but they are still relatively easy to setup. She needs to pay her bill and then pay someone to setup the device so the brat can't install or make in-app purchases.

[–] 0 pt

Or just, you know, parent instead of letting a screen do it.

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