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[–] 0 pt

Lmao, wow listen to big boy pants, you don't know shit either. Listen to what you're saying ...

How does chain of command work ??, dumbass - you're saying the military is gonna take control of the country, arrest politicians/ public servants and govt officials, charge in engage in offensive actions if need be all on US soil and ALL WITHOUT the express authority of their commander in chief - you're fcking delusional ...

[–] 0 pt

america is currently in a state of war 2018 EO is still in affect

that changes the legal framework of the situation friend, you need to spend some more time on civics.

Yes, chain of command matters, and what happens when someone, without authority, attempts to violate said chain of command, by say, trying to illegitimately claim control of said military

It's not a crime until the act has occured in the eyes of the public, the public must see it for there to be support for those actions, and yes, trump can order the military to deploy on US soil given that certain requirements are met, which they have been (allegedly)

Either way it goes, it's going to be an interesting 5-6 weeks still.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

That's exactly my point, you goof. Who authorised the EO of 2028?? - Trump.

So stop saying shit like ' he can't call in the Military cause optics', according to the order he has already given authorisation - literally directed them through an executive order, and you're telling me I don't understand civics or how the military works ... When you're the one without a clear understanding.

Edit; No something is not a 'crime' until its occurred in the eyes of the public, you need to go back to class.

[–] 0 pt

So stop saying shit like ' he can't call in the Military cause optics', according to the order he has already given authorisation

Why? everyone has been saying for so long there's no proof, if they had it why not just come out with it from the get go

his entire first term was about changing optics, you don't seem to understand, this isn't trump doing this, he was selected by the military, he's just another pawn on the board. The military could have declared martial law back in 2016, they had the evidence then.

[–] 0 pt

Edit; No something is not a 'crime' until its occurred in the eyes of the public, you need to go back to class.

yes...that's how the law works you fucking moron

If i sit outside a store and think about robbing it, it's not a crime, if i walk in with a gun in my pocket with the intent to rob said store i still haven't committed said crime, only until i pull the gun out and threaten to use force unless given money is a crime committed

If you want to get into conspiracy charges and the like, then you have to have factual proof of said collusion and intent as well as the means to do so, A nobody can be found "planning" to steal the election but if they have no means to do so they can't be charged even if they have the intent

don't reply, clearly you can't keep up

[–] 0 pt

My question is the millitary leadership first mission first oath to uphold the constitution or to do what the president says? If the president said to round up the jews and gas them???....

Wait please God let a president say round up the jews and gas them 110th time will be the last