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[–] [deleted] 7 pts

As long as there's beer in the fridge, money in the banks, sports on tv, and a place in your house that flushes your shit away with a push of a button people aren't going to give a flying fuck.

Pain. Pain needs to be endured by these dumbass lemmings..... these sheeple.

[–] 2 pts

Do you blame them though? Our ancestors would be amazed at those things and also horrified at the cost in freedom.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

I do. They've been lazy. Taking in the gospel of the jewish owned media, eating fast food, consuming their degenerate movies, and praising their "equality movements".

Fuck em. They deserve this. It's just sad how we're being dragged into this.

[–] 1 pt

I'm whitepilled on it though. More people than ever I think are waking up and can now at least see that it is a problem. Most people only fix things if it becomes a problem.