Not to bill myself as a friend of Bill, and I am no fan of the proposed bureaucratic tribunals as arbiters of death but.... Lifespan at all costs has become sacrosanct in this country. However, Lifespan without Healthspan is often not worth the prolonged suffering, sorrow nor expense. Folks do not enjoy facing their own mortality, however it an f.a.c.t. of life that it ends. For all of us. Taking personally responsible ownership with some end of life contingency planning aforethought is a conversation that we all need to have with ourselves and our loved ones.
While that may be true that doesn't mean that an elderly frail person that has good quality of life doesn't have the right to live until the bitter end.
It's easy to pontificate when you're young what someone should do when they get old and or ill. More money is spent on making a movie about lesbians kissing than end of life care.
Back in the day families cared for their elders and didn't warehouse them in killing bottles called "care homes". I hospiced my mother for five years and she died at home in her bed.
Didn't cost the govermint an f*ng dime.
A few points of order here: 1) $430 billion (10% of total healthcare costs) is spent on end of life care in the US annually. 2) $75 billion is spent making ALL movies (not just the ones about Sapphic smooching) in the US annually. 3) I posited a position of personal choice, responsibility, reward and autonomy.
And what was unstated, but is indeed true is that,
1) I'm a few eggs short of spring chicken "young" status. 2) I have had conversations and taken action to address these scenarios in my own life and those for whom I care for. 3) I only preach what I practice.