I say Bill first and then we can revote.
Bill is not entirely wrong here.
Two examples I'll give.
1) Patient on Medicaid and should be on hospice (humane thing to do at this point). Family refuses. Taxpayers are billed for dialyses, transportation, long-term care facility, and medications all of this is crazy expensive. Who is paying? All of us, yet we have no say in it.
2) Patient is on private insurance. Terminal cancer, nothing can be done and body starts shutting down. Again they should be put on hospice. Family refuses. Patient is put on ECMO and ventilator, IV drugs are administrated, and hospital days are racking up. You're looking at a 500k+ dollar bill at this point. Who pays? All of us when our rates go up to cover this.
Gates lamented that Americans are unwilling to question if spending money on people in “the last three months” of their lives was cost-effective.
100% correct.
My solution is going to be different than Bill's. You could eliminate Medicaid or at the very least decrease its size and scope. You could allow insurance polices you buy into knowing that they don't cover senseless end of life efforts.
The amount of money this country wastes in hospitals and long-term care is obscene. It is a difficult conversation but a legitimate one to be had. At the end of the day it comes down to people making choices with other peoples' money and we will never have good results with that in mind. The system needs to change.
Problem is, who decides when the end of life comes? Now days hospitals will turn off machines.
Terminal cancer patients shouldn't go on pump. Unless there is a chance they could be cured.
Do you really want the super wealthy that can afford all healthcare including that rarified care based on murdered children's bodies to decide your right to exist?
This country wastes more money on jew wars and buying political favors (the US sends israel 35 million dollars every day).
People die all the time because they're too poor to afford healthcare or because they are unable to navigate the system to obtain necessary care.
"Who deserves healthcare". Who deserves to learn to read? Who deserves to heat their house over 65 degrees? Who deserves to eat 1200kcal per day? Who deserves protein? Water? Shelter?
Satan has entered chat.
Problem is, who decides when the end of life comes?
That's the crux. Ideally it should be left to the individual. Perhaps insurance policies which try to be as clear as possible as to what would be done and not done. The policy holder would have to have a living will which coincides with the policy. The policies would then be priced accordingly.
I'm not married to a particular solution. I really don't know what the answer is. I only know what we have now isn't working.
Terminal cancer patients shouldn't go on pump. Unless there is a chance they could be cured.
The patient was a teenage child with leukemia. Age was likely part of the reason these steps were even considered. I'm not sure why the doctors performed this. The patient did end up passing.
This country wastes more money on jew wars and buying political favors (the US sends israel 35 million dollars every day).
I agree, but this is another subject.
"Who deserves healthcare". Who deserves to learn to read? Who deserves to heat their house over 65 degrees? Who deserves to eat 1200kcal per day? Who deserves protein? Water? Shelter?
I suppose anyone who can afford this deserves it. I'm not a big advocate of taking other people's money at gun point (aka taxes) to provide these things for others. This could be a prolonged discussion. If we were a homogeneous nation perhaps a form of national socialism would be acceptable.
Satan has entered chat.
Is there biblical text on these issues?
As long as National Socialists get to pick who gets offed
We should all remember who people like him called not worthy of healthcare during the vax push.
Bill should fuck of to Africa and play voodoo demon over there. White people deserved dignity, respect and best healthcare we can give.
In a healthy society that promotes good food and physical activity, healthcare should be absolutely free. "Yeah, but what about lazy fat people who refuse to exercise" - this is not normal human behavior, and they should be helped and their health examined. We all know very well that if we removed poison from our wells that people like this would be an extreme rarity and with the help of modern medicine it could be easily fixed.
Yeah and Bill Gates is the poison in that well.
Start with prisoners on death row/life sentences.
Suicide is an affront to God. This is why it is now front burner for the satanic pedophile assholes in charge.
Some palliative care? Sure, but when the time comes know that the reality is you are dying and it will probably suck but be ready for it and go with God. Unconsciousness in three minutes and pray for mercy until the light goes out. That's the way we've done it for centuries. Make your children proud of what a bad ass you were.
He is welcome to be the first one to receive "MAID".
Not to bill myself as a friend of Bill, and I am no fan of the proposed bureaucratic tribunals as arbiters of death but.... Lifespan at all costs has become sacrosanct in this country. However, Lifespan without Healthspan is often not worth the prolonged suffering, sorrow nor expense. Folks do not enjoy facing their own mortality, however it an f.a.c.t. of life that it ends. For all of us. Taking personally responsible ownership with some end of life contingency planning aforethought is a conversation that we all need to have with ourselves and our loved ones.
While that may be true that doesn't mean that an elderly frail person that has good quality of life doesn't have the right to live until the bitter end.
It's easy to pontificate when you're young what someone should do when they get old and or ill. More money is spent on making a movie about lesbians kissing than end of life care.
Back in the day families cared for their elders and didn't warehouse them in killing bottles called "care homes". I hospiced my mother for five years and she died at home in her bed.
Didn't cost the govermint an f*ng dime.
A few points of order here: 1) $430 billion (10% of total healthcare costs) is spent on end of life care in the US annually. 2) $75 billion is spent making ALL movies (not just the ones about Sapphic smooching) in the US annually. 3) I posited a position of personal choice, responsibility, reward and autonomy.
And what was unstated, but is indeed true is that,
1) I'm a few eggs short of spring chicken "young" status. 2) I have had conversations and taken action to address these scenarios in my own life and those for whom I care for. 3) I only preach what I practice.