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Are there people on Poal who actually believe the conspiracy theory that a group of government bureaucrats were able to work together and fire a Jiffy Popper a quarter of a million miles through the empty black and insane radiation of space, precisely reaching and landing on the surface of the moon using the computing power of a cereal prize calculator?

Are there people on Poal who actually believe the conspiracy theory that a group of government bureaucrats were able to work together and fire a Jiffy Popper a quarter of a million miles through the empty black and insane radiation of space, precisely reaching and landing on the surface of the moon using the computing power of a cereal prize calculator?

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

When I came here from Voat I was pretty surprised at how many here believe the moon landing story.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

When I came here from Voat I was pretty surprised at how many here believe the moon landing story.

You believe Paul McCartney died and was replaced so it doesn't take much to fool you.

[–] 0 pt

You're the one that has done "exhaustive" research on the paul is dead conspiracy am I right?

You should simply compare the new guy's height to his band mates, and his wiry frame compared to bio Paul.

But you do have to open your eyes somewhat first.

If you believe the moon landings however I would say just forget it.

You're the one that has done "exhaustive" research on the paul is dead conspiracy am I right?

I did spend some times a few years ago looking into it and found a lot of bullshit, wild claims not based in fact, and seriously mentally ill faggotry.

You should simply compare the new guy's height to his band mates, and his wiry frame compared to bio Paul.

"bio Paul" Is that the latest? You aren't going to say "Faul"?

But you do have to open your eyes somewhat first.

If you open your mind too much your brain falls out and there is no putting it back in.

If you believe the moon landings however I would say just forget it.

I already said forget about it since you believe the Paul Is Dead shit and clearly lack the ability to tell fantasy apart from reality. Throwing it back now is copy catting, bitch.

[–] 0 pt

Just fyi, he has repeatedly been caught lying. He's not here for a discussion in earnest pursuit. He's here to push an agenda.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Just fyi, he has repeatedly been caught lying. He's not here for a discussion in earnest pursuit. He's here to push an agenda.

Gas lighting people on white accomplishments is part of who's agenda? Oh wait, I think we know....

[–] 1 pt

If you put the question like this..... you will get little traction, proper way to do it is ascking questions

the most relevant are

  • how did astronauts pass trough the vanallen belt ? (with the unshielded craft)
  • how is it possible to have the welldefined shoe "stamps" on the moon that has NO humidity ?

Please, please, china we need pictures of the landing sites !!!!

[–] 1 pt

Van Allen Belt- Same way we get through TSA security.

[–] 0 pt

Skirt around it and minimize your time in it?

[–] 1 pt

No. Take it off and put it in the little basket before it runs through the scanner.

[–] 0 pt

how did astronauts pass trough the vanallen belt ? (with the unshielded craft)

Are you joking? It was shielded. And well documented as such.

how is it possible to have the welldefined shoe "stamps" on the moon that has NO humidity ?

Little gravity and no weather means little soil compaction. You asked how do people leave prints in snow?

[–] 0 pt

Ah, well documented tech used to pass the vanallen belt ? care to point to the lost documentation ?

on the second point, you are really eager NOT to understand what I am talking about

smelling like USA fanboy a bit

I have seen the "debunkers" recreate the supposedly "foot mark" left and documented on the moon, it barely resemble the original. The speed by which they end up the video is telling, like "stomp, yeee, we did it, end of story...."

But hey, relax, I am waiting for fresh pictures, they will come, eventually

[–] 0 pt

Ah, well documented tech used to pass the vanallen belt ? care to point to the lost documentation ?

You understand that's admission you've never once actually researched the topic. There are literally dozens of videos, many with citations, on YouTube.

You understand that not all radiation is the same? And that duration to exposure is as important as power of exposure?

[–] 1 pt

They crossed the Van Allen radiation belts in a tin can, covered in aluminum foil

[–] 3 pts

People drive through nigger town with only aluminum and glass to shield them.

[–] 0 pt

Glow and skvetch harder.

[–] 2 pts

Not an argument.

[–] 2 pts

Actually it is as Jews push this psyop to discredit actual conspiracy.

[–] 2 pts

Sure. It wasn’t like the kikes made billions off of gullible whites who believed their gubmint would put a man on the moon in a decade… and never go back again.

It’s much more plausible that the government, the media, the bankers, and the jew run corporations are telling the truth about the moon landing (and Holohoax) and guys like me who doubt are the ones buying the psyop.