But but it's the super jew nigger ball satan bowl...
whiney watermelon monkeys with lots of money chase other whiney watermelon monkeys with lots of money in the hopes of getting more money
There was a poster ad for the super bowl that I saw tonight and there was only one White person, actually sorry two on the Kansas City side, everything else was a nigger. So pretty much it's just convicts running into each other taking out aggression and trying to hurt people. Football is just fucking stupid.
It's called "sportfag" you ball sack
lol suck it snowflake
lol suck it snowflake
tell me you're a nigger-loving trannyfaggot without telling me you're a nigger-loving trannyfaggot. You've been jewed and blacked so hard you should have your own OF channel.
stfu idiot go back to reddit lol
stfu idiot go back to reddit lol
check what sub this is in you stupid niggerfaggot
oh look, a reddit faggot who so quickly forgets the NFL bent the knee to feminism, niggers, and every other leftist cause pursuing the destruction of america. it's no fucking wonder the country is in the state it's in with dipshits like this having an equal vote with actual intelligent people who have a memory longer than 5 seconds.
Corporate slave mindset gets a -1
If only there were some way I could return the favor 100 times over
How about providing a service to your brethren instead of being a pure online-consumer.
That would require some effort on your part, however.
I spent entire Sunday looking up homegrown gardens. I thought about watching nigger ball but then I got disinterested in the fact that niggerball does 0 for my life, my future, or my growth. So I continued looking up hydroponic tower systems.
Thinking about doing it myself instead spending 400 bucks. Spend maybe 180 and build it the way I want using larger pvc pipe for larger plants and larger reservoir. I travel a lot for work and need to be able to be away for long. Periods. Making potatoes, lettuce, carrots, basil, ghost pepper plant, lavender (bugs), marigolds (bugs), green and red bell peppers, kale, radishes. Also looking at making own fertilizer and compost with a bucket or bin in backyard.
I wish there was a list of must haves for survivalist for full nutrient growing and all year round (where to place plants etc etc. engineered for efficiency, cheap almost self sustaining farming indoors or outside.
Who won?
Regretfully I watched the game. I pointed out that the field behind the endzone was painted with the words, END RACISM, yet they started the festivities with the 'black national anthem'.
(post is archived)