What happened to his eyebrows?
What happened to his eyebrows?
What happened to his eyebrows?
I don't know. He's jewish?
An old herpes riddled rabbi sucked the blood from my dick when I was a baby jew
The moshe grabbler
By the way, now that Ukraine has been destroyed and most of the Ukrainians have abandoned their homes, we're going to get American taxpayers to rebuild our new country.
how to cross all your fingers in front of their face and lie your ass off. A new book on the immorality of lying and how to do it like a pro.
This is the church This is the steeple Open the door There's all the sheeple
Throw me a frickin bone.
Off topic but it's weird how accepted being totally bald has become. I mean 15 20 years ago it would have been seen as a huge defect. It's now become almost an accepted sort of statement of hyper masculinity to be bald. It's just strange.
As for a caption how about first hybrid lizard human lives in a matter of speaking.
(post is archived)