The aliens exsanguinate humans, draining the blood of the human while the human is alive.
"The autopsy report states: "EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: We observed: 1) Cut off of the external ear by a slanting incision, with hollowing of soft parts; 2) removal of internal ear with indications of vital reaction; 3) enucleation of right and left ocular globes, with signs of blood inside the cavities" Summing up the removal or hollowing of other parts: "16) We observed the removal of the right and left orbital areas, emptying of the mouth cavity, pharynx, oropharynx, neck, right and left armpit area, abdomen, pelvic cavity, right and left groin area."
The Most DISTURBING Case Of Alien Abduction Exposed 12/19/2015
SSP Whistleblower: Corey Goode (2019-08) - Aliens drop-off dead human bodies in national parks from experiments that go wrong. Data aligns with David Paulides research
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